
Build a NodeJS webserver to support SNS http subscriptions

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Build a NodeJS webserver to support SNS http subscriptions

  • Use us-east-1
  • Create an Amazon Linux EC2 instance
  • Use Instance Type t2.micro
  • Use a public IP
  • Configure the instance to use a role that permits remote access via Systems Manager (SSM) and full access to SNS
  • Use a security group to open port 80
  • Tags: Name=sns-demo
  • Connect to sns-demo with SSM Session Manager and start the webserver as follows
sudo curl --silent --location https://rpm.nodesource.com/setup_14.x | sudo bash -
sudo yum -y install nodejs git
git clone https://github.com/amcginlay/sns-webserver.git ~/sns-webserver
cd ~/sns-webserver
npm update
sudo PORT=80 npm start
  • Now the webserver is running, duplicate the browser tab containing the sns-demo SSM session
  • Create the SNS topic
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-1
topic=$(aws sns create-topic \
  --name sns-demo-topic \
  --output text \
  • Subscribe the webserver to the SNS topic using its public IP address (alternatively use an elastic IP or public DNSName)
myipaddress$($(curl --silent
subscription=$(aws sns subscribe \
  --topic-arn ${topic} \
  --protocol http \
  --return-subscription-arn \
  --notification-endpoint http://${myipaddress} \
  --output text \
  • Look in the first browser tab. The webserver will have output the SNS Subscription Token. You'll need it for the next command
  • Confirm the subscription
aws sns confirm-subscription --topic-arn ${topic} --token <SNS_SUBSCRIPTION_TOKEN>
  • Create a publication event
aws sns publish --topic-arn ${topic} --message "this is a test"
  • The webserver output will display the published message
  • If you repeat the subscribe and confirm-subscription steps for another webserver then both will be notified of any publications
  • You can remove a subscription as follows
aws sns unsubscribe --subscription-arn ${subscription}