
A repository aimed at providing an example for https://github.com/amcgowanca/composer-patches-drupal-patching

Proof repository for bad core patching

This repository is to act as an example for erroneous Drupal 8 core patching with cweagans/composer-patches and composer, and nothing more.

This branch contains a completely fresh Acquia BLT project setup after running the standard composer create-project command:

composer create-project --no-interaction acquia/blt-project my-project

You will note that there is absolutely no modifications to the standard composer.json outside of any common changes.

A complete codebase has been pushed to the branch example-with-error-built through the use of git add --all --force.

Observe that under the docroot/core directory that a subdirectory named b (link) exists, as well as an additional core (link) directory.

This branch contains a few minor modifications to the project's root composer.json file in which it makes use of the revised cweagans/composer-patches project and additional Composer plugin named composer-patches-drupal-patching.

A completely built codebase, similar to that of the example-with-error-built is available named example-without-error-built. This was similarly created through the use of git add --all --force upon executing a composer install with the modified composer.json.

Observe that under the docroot/core directory no longer contains the additional or new subdirectories b or core and that patches have in fact been applied to Drupal core where they previously were not.