
A simple ruby curse modpack installer

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Curse Client

Curse Client is a command line client for curse-hosted Minecraft modpacks.


You must have Ruby 1.9.3 or greater installed. https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/documentation/installation/


Install the gem.

$ gem install curse_client



Get a list of commands

$ curse help


List all modpacks

$ curse list


Search for a modpack

$ curse search "<regexp>"


$ curse search "ftb"

FTB Departed: Travel to distant worlds and dimensions, encounter ghoulish and strange creatures, and craft legendary tools and equipment in...
FTB Horizons: Created to showcase some lesser-known 1.6.4 mods in the Minecraft world that don’t often get put into larger packs. You’ve ce...
FTB Horizons: Daybreaker: Daybreaker is the sequel to the original Horizons, but updated and remastered for 1.7.10. It aims to show off new mods to the...
FTB Infinity Evolved: Infinity Evolved adds game modes!  Two modes are currently included; 'normal' and 'expert'.  New and existing worlds are auto...
FTB Lite: A lightweight, simple-to-use 1.4.7 modpack designed for both users who are either unfamiliar with  mods or those with compute...
--- snip ---


Show details for a modpack

$ curse show "<modpack name>"


$ curse show "FTB Infinity Evolved"
FTB Infinity Evolved
Summary: Infinity Evolved adds game modes!  Two modes are currently included; 'normal' and 'expert'.  New and existing worlds are auto...
Authors: FTB, FTBTeam
Url: http://www.curse.com/modpacks/minecraft/227724-ftb-infinity-evolved
Categories: Exploration, Extra Large, FTB Official Pack, Magic, Tech
Downloads: 602881.0
Popularity: 5792.97021484375
    2283980    2016-02-26T17:02:28    1.7.10    FTBInfinity-2.4.1-1.7.10.zip (Beta)
    2283863    2016-02-25T22:22:09    1.7.10    FTBInfinity-2.4.0-1.7.10.zip (Beta)
    2275596    2016-01-15T17:42:51    1.7.10    FTBInfinity-2.3.5-1.7.10.zip (Release)
    2275249    2016-01-13T21:03:15    1.7.10    FTBInfinity-2.3.4-1.7.10.zip (Beta)
    2273009    2015-12-30T21:12:24    1.7.10    FTBInfinity-2.3.3-1.7.10.zip (Beta)
    2272982    2015-12-30T19:22:22    1.7.10    FTBInfinity-2.3.2-1.7.10.zip (Beta)


Install the specified modpack.

$ curse install "<modpack name>" [path] [options]

Options: --version <version>: <version> can be one of

  • release: The latest release version (default)
  • latest: The latest version, including betas
  • file id: The id of the file
  • file date: The date of the file
  • file name: The name of the file


$ curse install "FTB Infinity Evolved" "/Users/amcoder/Applications/MultiMC/instances/Infinity/minecraft" --version latest
Installing FTB Infinity Evolved
Downloading http://addons.curse.cursecdn.com/files/2226/936/FTBInfinity-1.0.0-1.7.10.zip 100%
Downloading http://addons.curse.cursecdn.com/files/2225/549/AOBD-2.4.0.jar  100%
Downloading http://addons.curse.cursecdn.com/files/2225/85/AgriCraft-1.7.10-1.2.1.jar  100%
Downloading http://addons.curse.cursecdn.com/files/2219/248/Aroma1997Core-1.7.10-  100%
-- snip --
Installed FTB Infinity Evolved to /Users/amcoder/Applications/MultiMC/instances/Infinity/minecraft
Requires minecraft 1.7.10 and forge-

MultiMC Install

  1. Create a new MultiMC instance for the required minecraft version
  2. Run curse install "<modpack name>" "<MultiMC instance folder>/minecraft"
  3. Install the specified version of forge in your instance
  4. Play! :)


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/amcoder/curse_client.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.