
Example project for demonstrating Ecto preload bug

Primary LanguageElixir

To reprodue the bug:

  1. git clone git@github.com:sickill/ecto-preload-bug.git
  2. cd ecto-preload-bug
  3. mix do deps.get, ecto.create, ecto.migrate
  4. iex -S mix

In iex run following commands:

  1. :observer.start, switch to "Load Charts" tab
  2. PreloadBug.once - this preloads once, no memory spike should be observed
  3. PreloadBug.twice - this runs the same preload on alrady preload schema - observe huge memory spike, ~1 GB in this example project. In the project I discovered it we see 3-5 GB spike.
  4. PreloadBug.twice_not_in_parallel - same as above but explicitly disable parallel loading - no memory spike!