
Problems of the new era52arl.f file

Alliekaca opened this issue · 3 comments

I used the up-to-date era52arl.f file,but I still got some errors in the converting part:

/mnt/d/ckwork/hysplit_metdata/hysplit/data2arl/era52arl/era52arl -i/mnt/d/ckwork/hysplit_metdata/era5/2019/Jan/ERA5_2019.Jan04.3dpl.grib -a/mnt/d/ckwork/hysplit_metdata/era5/2019/Jan/ERA5_2019.Jan04.2dpl.all.grib
Existing decoding configuration: era52arl.cfg
Allocating agrib 384 /mnt/d/ckwork/hysplit_metdata/era5/2019/Jan/ERA5_2019.Jan04.2dpl.all.grib
Allocating igrib 5328 /mnt/d/ckwork/hysplit_metdata/era5/2019/Jan/ERA5_2019.Jan04.3dpl.grib
levels found in 3d file pl
Number of time periods found 24
finished first loop through files
10.0000000 90.0000000 70.0000000 130.000000 0.250000000 0.250000000
============== CK is testing--------------------------
50 arldata.cfg 161 241 0

Program received signal SIGSEGV: Segmentation fault - invalid memory reference.

Backtrace for this error:
#0 0x7f73e600b2da in ???
#1 0x7f73e600a503 in ???
#2 0x7f73e566ef1f in ???
#3 0x7f73e57be73d in ???
#4 0x7f73e56cd9fd in ???
#5 0x7f73e600aa42 in ???
#6 0x7f73e618938d in ???
#7 0x7f73e6176eeb in ???
#8 0x7f73e6a0a7c7 in ???
#9 0x7f73e6a06404 in era52arl
at /mnt/d/ckwork/hysplit_metdata/hysplit/data2arl/era52arl/era52arl.f:827
#10 0x7f73e6a01b32 in main
at /mnt/d/ckwork/hysplit_metdata/hysplit/data2arl/era52arl/era52arl.f:102

I got stopped on the 'CALL PAKSET(lunit,ARLCFG_NAME,1,NXP,NYP,NZP)' part (827 line) and it is really frustrated.

I can print the 'unit,ARLCFG_NAME,1,NXP,NYP,NZP' value by turn: 50 arldata.cfg 161 241 0. So I don't know why it goes wrong.
Does anyone encounter the same problem?

Hi @Alliekaca , if you are on Mac, please see my solution here:

Hi @Alliekaca , Do you have ERA52ARL in python? I found the code in Fortran and it's hard for me to convert it to python. I will be thankful if you can send me the update one. Thanks in advance

I have downloaded the .grib file but now i am not able to use era52arl.f to convert it. Can anyone give a step by step instruction with an example .grib file? It would be great help. Thank you.