
REST3D PROJECT see www.rest3d.org

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

rest3D project

see www.rest3d.org


This is a MIT licensed open source work-in-progress implementation of a rest3D client/server system. A goal for this project is to limit drastically the dependencies, to facilitate re-use of the code.

  • static/
    This contains all the files that will be served by a static http server

    • loaders
      Contains a collada.js loader, a gltf.js loader. Those loaders are written to be usable in as-is in other projects
    • gui/
      Contains a simple Graphical User Interface API based on jquery-ui / jquery-layout. img/ contains the GUI images, themes/ contain the themes used by jquery-ui
    • deps/
      Contans all the external dependences used by all the scripts in static, in source and min. gl-matrix.js, jquery.js, jquery-ui.js, jquery.layout.js, webgl-debug.js, webgl-utils.js
    • models/
      Sample models in COLLADA and glTF format
    • spore/
      The spore creature viewer modified to use collada.js loader
    • viewer/
      A simple viewer that evolves to be a rest3D interface
  • server/
    This contains a choice of node.js servers

    • A simple static_server that can be used to http serve the static/ folder
    • A rest3d_server
    • A rest3d_database_server
  • database/
    This will contains a XML database server


  1. git clone https://github.com/amd/rest3d.git
  2. cd server; npm install
  3. node static_server
  4. point your WebGL enabled web browser to

Openshift (Redhat) deployement

The package.json at the root and .openshift folder are ready for the nodejs server to be deployed on openshift. TODO: database server deployement Note: there is a server of this rest3d github instanced at http://rest3d-remi.rhcloud.com/