- extendbitcoinjs-lib
with keychain related methodsprepareTx
- Keychain class with ws connection initializationindex.js
- overrideweb3.eth.accounts.signTransaction
- example usage together (keychain
- Sign ethereum transaction
import { web3Override, Keychain } from 'web3override'
// create new key in Keychain
const keyInstance = await Keychain.create();
const data = await keyInstance.selectKey();
const key = data.result;
await keyInstance.term();
web3.eth.accounts.signTransaction = web3Override(web3).signTransaction;
// now we use web3 with keychain
await web3.eth.accounts.signTransaction(transactionParams, key); // overriden web3 function usage
- Sign & build ready for broadcast bitcoin transaction
// import library
import { bitcoin, Keychain } from 'web3override';
// tx - bitcoin.TransactionBuilder instance with inputs & outputs
const keyInstance = await Keychain.create();
const data = await keyInstance.selectKey();
const publicKey = data.result;
tx.inputs.forEach((input, index) => {
tx.prepareTx(index, publicKey)
const txRawHex = await tx.buildTxKeychain(keyInstance, publicKey);
Run tests
npm run test
Add key to your key_data
keyname: test1@76de427d42c38be4
password: qwe
TODO bitcoin tests