Versatile Preloader Script

The Versatile Preloader Script efficiently preloads web pages into cache by fetching URLs from a specified API endpoint and accessing each URL. This script is highly configurable, supports customizable HTTP headers for requests, and is designed for improving site performance by pre-caching content.


  • Dynamic URL Fetching: Fetches URLs from a specified API endpoint.
  • Customizable HTTP Headers: Supports sending custom HTTP headers.
  • Configurable Preloading Intervals: Allows setting intervals for running preloading tasks.
  • Advanced Error Handling: Implements retry mechanisms for reliability.
  • Logging Mechanism: Provides detailed logs for monitoring and debugging.
  • Optional Progress Bar: Visual feedback through an optional progress bar.
  • Docker Support: Facilitates easy deployment across environments.


  • Python 3.6+
  • Dependencies: python-dotenv, requests, schedule, tqdm
  • Docker (optional for Docker-based deployment)

Installation and Setup

Standard Installation

  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Install required dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt

Docker Installation

  1. Build Docker image: docker build -t versatile-preloader .
  2. Run Docker container: docker run versatile-preloader


Configure the script using environment variables, through a .env file, or Docker configurations.

  • API_URL: API endpoint URL returning URLs to preload.
  • CUSTOM_HEADERS: Custom headers for requests, formatted as Header1=Value1,Header2=Value2;....
  • PRELOAD_INTERVAL: Interval in minutes for running the preloading task.
  • DISABLE_TQDM: Set to True to disable the progress bar, useful for non-interactive environments.

Example .env file:


For Docker, specify these variables in your Dockerfile or docker-compose.yml.


Standard Usage

Run the script: python

Docker Usage

Run your container directly or use Docker Compose: docker-compose up