
This repository contains the code of my final year project, which involved simulating the temperature distribution in a diode pumped alkali laser.

Primary LanguagePython

Final Year Project

This repository is my implementation of J. Han, Y. Wang, H. Cai, W. Zhang, L. Xue, and H. Wang, "Algorithm for evaluation of temperature distribution of a vapor cell in a diode-pumped alkali laser system: part I," Opt. Express 22, 13988-14003 (2014) and Juhong Han, You Wang, He Cai, Guofei An, Wei Zhang, Liangping Xue, Hongyuan Wang, Jie Zhou, Zhigang Jiang, and Ming Gao, "Algorithm for evaluation of temperature distribution of a vapor cell in a diode-pumped alkali laser system (part II)," Opt. Express 23, 9508-9515 (2015).


To install the requirements, create a virtual environment and run:

pip install -r requirements.txt


The code can either take input via a file which is passed as a command line argument, or the input can be entered manually

python run.py inputs/1.txt


python run.py

Note: If the user enters 'y' when asked if the gas is flowing, then the code implements the second paper else if the input is 'n' then the first paper is implemented.


The code creates 3 plots, showing:

  • Final Number Density vs Radial Position
  • Final Temperature vs Radial Position
  • 3D Heatmap of Temperature vs Radial Position

and two files containing resulting values of Temperature and Lasing Power

3D plot 3D plot 3D plot