
This repository contains the code of the website I developed using flask and jinja for a lab at IIT Delhi.

Primary LanguagePython

Lab Website


To install the requirements, create a virtual environment and run:

pip install -r requirements.txt


The code can either take input via a file which is passed as a command line argument, or the input can be entered manually

export FLASK_APP=application.py
export FLASK_DEBUG=1
export PASSWORD=""
flask run
  • EMAIL_ADDRESS should be the actual gmail address from where the email will be sent and PASSWORD will be the password of the corresponding email

  • By default the home address is the localhost If we are using an online webserver, then we'd have to replace the localhost with the corresponding home address in the website_data.py file

  • To use the email sender code, we need to allow DisplayUnlockCaptcha and less secure apps