
k8s-box CKA /CKAD exam prep

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Kubernetes K8S Environments

CKA exam some tips

  1. cka-tips-and-tricks (https://medium.com/faun/certified-kubernetes-administrator-cka-tips-and-tricks-part-1-2e98e9b31de4) PART 1 -5
  2. awesome-cka-guide(https://github.com/raviacloudguy/awesome-cka-guide) CKA_Preparation_Guide.pdf (https://github.com/raviacloudguy/awesome-cka-guide/blob/master/CKA_Preparation_Guide.pdf)
  3. Practice Enough With These 150 Questions for the CKAD Exam (https://medium.com/bb-tutorials-and-thoughts/practice-enough-with-these-questions-for-the-ckad-exam-2f42d1228552)

few notes

  1. useful command ( https://github.com/prakasha4devops/k8s-environments/blob/master/cluster1/cka-examples/useful-command.txt )
  2. import bookmarks to your chrome browser (https://github.com/prakasha4devops/k8s-environments/blob/master/CKA-exam-bookmarks/bookmarks_5_13_20.html )

***Mumshad Mannambeth CKA course practice test , troublesting chapter and light test 3-4 times before exam.

Best luck

CKAD Exam some tips

time management , 12-15 questions in 1 hours, imperative command , troubleshoot service/pods/deployment

  1. mumshad course CKAD - practice test light test 3-4 times before exam.

  2. CKAD Exercises https://github.com/dgkanatsios/CKAD-exercises

  3. CKAD Prep https://github.com/bmuschko/ckad-prep

  4. Practice Enough With These 150 Questions for the CKAD Exam (https://medium.com/bb-tutorials-and-thoughts/practice-enough-with-these-questions-for-the-ckad-exam-2f42d1228552

  5. ckad-notes https://github.com/nikhilagrawal577/ckad-notes

setup and run - latest kubernets version 1.18.2-00

You will start a 3 node cluster on your machine, one master and 2 worker. For this you need to install VirtualBox and vagrant, then:

git clone git@github.com:prakasha4devops/k8s-environments.git
cd k8s-environments/cluster1

vagrant ssh cluster1-master-1

vagrant@cluster1-master-1:~$kubectl version
vagrant@cluster1-master-1:~$kubectl get node
vagrant@cluster1-master-1:~$kubectl get pods
vagrant@cluster1-master-1:~#kubectl cluster-info

assign role label to worker
kubectl label node cluster1-worker-1 node-role.kubernetes.io/worker=worker
kubectl label node cluster1-worker-2 node-role.kubernetes.io/worker=worker

## example folder
cd /vagrant/cka-examples

few examples to run
kubectl run  busybox --image=busybox:1.28 --command -- sleep 3600

kubectl get pods -l run=busybox

kubectl exec -ti busybox -- nslookup kubernetes

VM IP Address

| VM Name	          |   Purpose	  |  IP	                | 
| clster1-master          | 	 Master	  |	| 
| cluster1-worker-1	  | 	 Worker1  |    | 
| cluster1-worker-2	  |      Worker2  |    |