
Liftopia's docker container for testing and building

Primary LanguageShell


Liftopia's build server slaves for jenkins, including everything we need to pretend like a server.


This is basically just an all encompassing docker image containing the known databases for our applications, including mysql, redis, and memcached. Future versions might be more configurable, but for now this is enough.


Build a 512MB host in Digital Ocean with Ubuntu 14.04 x64 and an SSH key.

Update and upgrade the system all the way:

apt-get update && \
apt-get dist-upgrade -y && \
update-grub && \

Clear out old packages for fun.

apt-get autoremove -y && \
update-grub && \

Enable swap.

fallocate -l 2G /swapfile
chmod 600 /swapfile
mkswap /swapfile
swapon /swapfile
echo /swapfile   none    swap    sw    0   0 >> /etc/fstab


Builds from Hub

Install Docker.

apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://pgp.mit.edu:80 --recv-keys 58118E89F3A912897C070ADBF76221572C52609D

cat > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list << EOF
deb https://apt.dockerproject.org/repo ubuntu-trusty main

apt-get update && \
apt-get install docker-engine -y

Create host-side storage.

This assumes a host-only storage system. You can feel free to mount something like EFS or DRBD underneath. More power to you, we just don't want to re-bundle every time.

mkdir /data
chown 1001:1001 /data

Create storage container.

docker create -v /data:/data --name builder-storage liftopia/builder /bin/true

Create builder container.

docker create --name builder -p <inbound-port>:22 --volumes-from builder-storage liftopia/builder

Start on boot and boot container.

cat > /etc/init/builder.conf << EOF
description "builder"

start on filesystem and started docker
stop on runlevel [!2345]

  /usr/bin/docker start -a builder
end script

start builder

Manual Builds

Clone this repo to the server.

apt-get install git -y
git clone https://github.com/liftopia/builder.git


cd builder