Anthos Demo for Cloud Next 2022

Getting started

  1. Clone this repo.

    git clone
    cd anthosnext22
  2. Create a GCP project and assign a billing account.

    gcloud projects create <PROJECT_NAME> --org <ORG_ID>
    gcloud beta billing projects link <PROJECT_ID> --billing-account <BILLING_ACCOUNT>
  3. Define your GCP project ID.

  4. Set variables.

    export GKE1=gke1-r1a-prod
    export GKE1_LOCATION=us-central1-a
    export GKE2=gke2-r1b-prod
    export GKE2_LOCATION=us-central1-b
    export GKE3=gke3-r2a-prod
    export GKE3_LOCATION=us-west2-a
    export GKE4=gke4-r2b-prod
    export GKE4_LOCATION=us-west2-b
    export GKE5=gke5-config
    export GKE5_LOCATION=us-west1-a
    export KCC_REGION=us-central1
  5. Configure permissions for Cloud Build.

    gcloud config set core/project ${PROJECT_ID}
    export PROJECT_NUMBER=$(gcloud projects describe ${PROJECT_ID} --format 'value(projectNumber)')
    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT_ID} --member serviceAccount:${PROJECT_NUMBER} --role roles/owner
  6. Build

    gcloud builds submit --substitutions=_PROJECT_ID=${PROJECT_ID}
  7. View build in the Console.

    This step can take up to an hour to complete.

  8. Connect to clusters.

    gcloud container clusters get-credentials ${GKE1} --zone ${GKE1_LOCATION} --project ${PROJECT_ID}
    gcloud container clusters get-credentials ${GKE2} --zone ${GKE2_LOCATION} --project ${PROJECT_ID}
    gcloud container clusters get-credentials ${GKE3} --zone ${GKE3_LOCATION} --project ${PROJECT_ID}
    gcloud container clusters get-credentials ${GKE4} --zone ${GKE4_LOCATION} --project ${PROJECT_ID}
    gcloud container clusters get-credentials ${GKE5} --zone ${GKE5_LOCATION} --project ${PROJECT_ID}
    gcloud anthos config controller get-credentials config-controller --location=${KCC_REGION} --project=${PROJECT_ID}
    kubectl config rename-context gke_${PROJECT_ID}_${GKE1_LOCATION}_${GKE1} ${GKE1}
    kubectl config rename-context gke_${PROJECT_ID}_${GKE2_LOCATION}_${GKE2} ${GKE2}
    kubectl config rename-context gke_${PROJECT_ID}_${GKE3_LOCATION}_${GKE3} ${GKE3}
    kubectl config rename-context gke_${PROJECT_ID}_${GKE4_LOCATION}_${GKE4} ${GKE4}
    kubectl config rename-context gke_${PROJECT_ID}_${GKE5_LOCATION}_${GKE5} ${GKE5}
    kubectl config rename-context gke_${PROJECT_ID}_${KCC_REGION}_krmapihost-config-controller kcc