
Remote Scripts for GamePanelX V3

Primary LanguageShell

Thank you for choosing GamePanelX Remote!

# sudo chmod u+x install.sh
# sudo ./install.sh

This will get you started on the installation.  This will also ask you if you want to install the FTP server.

To update, run:
# sudo chmod u+x update.sh
# sudo ./update.sh

Note: To update a Remote release _older_ than 3.0.10, run:
# sudo chmod u+x upgrade_309_3012.sh
# sudo ./upgrade_309_3012.sh

Documentation: http://gamepanelx.com/wikiv3/index.php?title=Remote_Install
Website: http://gamepanelx.com/
Support Forums: http://gamepanelx.com/forums/
General Documentation: http://gamepanelx.com/wikiv3/

To uninstall, this will walk you through removal.

# sudo chmod u+x ./uninstall.sh
# sudo ./uninstall.sh