This repository holds the code for a internet connected node. The hardware is based on very cheap in line relay switches called "SonOff" made by and available at ITEAD:

The brain of this product is the Espressif ESP8266 chip, which is easy to program for. The collection of scripts makes use of a RestAPI module which allows for HTTP GET calls to control the relay of the device.

This is a very early version and will be improved over the next few weeks.

LED on pin 7 Relay on pin 6 Button on pin 3

Upload the following scripts to your SonOff using a USB to UART (FT232RL, Silabs cp210x) but do not forget to supply 3.3V to VCC. The cp210x modules found on Banggood can be easily converted (Instructables Link) using a linear regulator on the 5V line to support the ESP module. I use ESPlorer for uploading, starting and configuring my scripts.


  • init.lua
  • Button.lua
  • RestAPI.lua
  • Socket.lua
  • Sonoff.lua

Required nodeMCU modules (dev branch) check

  • cjson
  • enduser_setup
  • file
  • gpio
  • http
  • mdns
  • net
  • node
  • tmr
  • uart
  • wifi


  • (adc)
  • (dht)
  • (mqtt)
  • (pwm)
  • (ws2812)

The source scripts are meant for use with the nodeMCU lua interpreting firmware. Get the latest firmware from their repository. This code builds on top of revision 1.5.1 of the firmware and does not use floating point operations.