elasticgroup-cli is a Command Line Interface (CLI) to interact with SpotInst API. it allows you to do some functions from the command line like updating autoscaling, configure schedule tasks, check Instances health, and more.
We plan to add support for more functions
✔️ List and Filter Configured ElasticGroups
✔️ List and Filter Configured Scheduled Tasks
✔️ List and Describe Autoscaling
✔️ Update Autoscaling Configuration
✔️ Describe Scheduled Tasks for Specific ElasticGroup
✔️ Configure Scheduled Tasks for Specific ElasticGroup
✔️ Check Instances health
✔️ View Logs of ElasticGroup
You need to configure SpotInst Credentials.you can configure the credentials by creating a file ~/.spotinst/credentials and add a profile
token: 7df2e7df2e42344860de001de-xxxxxx
account: act-xxxxxx
Or export them in environment variables
export spotinst_token="7df2e7df2e42344860de001de-xxxxxx"
export account_id="act-xxxxx"
Install the Package
pip3 install elasticgroup-cli
Get the help
elasticgroup-cli -h
List all configured Elasticgroups
elasticgroup-cli --list
List Elasticgroups and filter based on different criteria like environment or stackgroup
elasticgroup-cli --list --filter=live
elasticgroup-cli --list --filter=checkout
List all configured scheduled tasks
elasticgroup-cli -lt
elasticgroup-cli --list-tasks
List and filter configured scheduled tasks
elasticgroup-cli --list-tasks --filter=live
Check the instance health of specific Elasticgroup
elasticgroup-cli --instances-health <Elasticgroup-Name>
List configured Autoscaling Actions of specific Elasticgroup
elasticgroup-cli --describe-autoscaling <Elasticgroup-Name>
Configure Autoscaling for specific Elasticgroup
elasticgroup-cli --configure-autoscaling <Elasticgroup-Name> --min=x --max=x --target=x
List configured Scheduled Tasks of specific Elasticgroup
elasticgroup-cli --describe-scheduled-tasks <Elasticgroup-Name>
Configure Scheduled Tasks of specific Elasticgroup
elasticgroup-cli --configure-scheduled-tasks <Elasticgroup-Name> --cron-expression="expression" --min=x --max=x --target=x
- If the Cron Expression exist, the schedule will be updated, if not, the schedule will be created
- target is optional
└─ $ ▶ elasticgroup-cli --list --filter=checkout
| Elasticgroup Name |
| checkout-staging-508 |
| checkout-staging-199 |
└─ $ ▶ elasticgroup-cli --describe-autoscaling token-staging-52
Configured AutoScaling
| Type | Properties |
| Scaleup | Cooldown = 60 |
| | Statistic = average |
| | Namespace = AWS/EC2 |
| | Threshold = 50 |
| | Policy_name = Scale if CPU >= 50 percent for 4.0 minutes (average) |
| | Adjustment = 1 |
| | Metric_name = CPUUtilization |
| | Minimum = 2 |
| | Maximum = 10 |
| | Target = 2 |
| | Unit = instance |
| | |
| Scaledown | Cooldown = 60 |
| | Statistic = average |
| | Namespace = AWS/EC2 |
| | Threshold = 20 |
| | Policy_name = Scale if CPU < 20 percent for 4.0 minutes (average) |
| | Adjustment = 1 |
| | Metric_name = CPUUtilization |
| | Minimum = 2 |
| | Maximum = 10 |
| | Target = 2 |
| | Unit = instance |
| | |
└─ $ ▶ elasticgroup-cli --describe-scheduled-tasks cart-staging-green-80
Scheduled Actions of Elasticgroup cart-staging-green-80
| cron_expression | scale_min_capacity | scale_max_capacity | scale_target_capacity | is_enabled |
| 0 5 * * 1-5 | 2 | 10 | 2 | True |
| 0 21 * * 1-5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | True |
└─ $ ▶ elasticgroup-cli --update-autoscaling cart-staging-green-80 --min=2 --max=3 --target=2
Updating Elasticgroup cart-staging-green-80 Capacity...
Elasticgroup cart-staging-green-80 has been scaled successfully. it may takes few seconds to reflect....
└─ $ ▶ elasticgroup-cli --configure-scheduled-tasks cart-staging-green-80 --cron-expression="0 21 * * 1-5" --min=1 --target=1 --max=2
Scheduled Tasks of Elasticgroup cart-staging-green-80 have been configured successfully.
View Logs of specific ElasticGroup
./elasticgroup-cli --logs authorization-live-green-26 --to-date=2019-09-12 --from-date=2019-09-11 --limit=5
Elasticgroup authorization-live-26 Logs
| created_at | severity | message |
| 2019-09-11T22:27:46.000Z | INFO | Instances: [i-0ca954zzzzzzzza64317] have been detached. Reason: Scale down |
| 2019-09-11T22:27:45.000Z | INFO | Instances i-0ca954cdbxxxx317 was successfully deregistered from TARGET_GROUP Load Balancer: auth-green-26 |
| 2019-09-11T22:27:41.000Z | INFO | Instances Terminated - Autoscaling: Policy name: Scale if CPU < 20 percent for 10.0 minutes (average), Threshold: 20.0, Value observed: 1.3 |
| 2019-09-11T22:25:41.000Z | INFO | Instances: [i-040cxxxx367f12] have been detached. Reason: Scale down |
| 2019-09-11T22:25:41.000Z | INFO | Instances i-040cxxxx2367f12 was successfully deregistered from TARGET_GROUP Load Balancer: auth-green-26 |