Bloccit is a Rails application that allows users to create, rate, and comment on posts. Posts are organized by topics, which are created by admin accounts. Users that are signed have their posts and comments linked to their profile. RSpec with Test-driven-development was used to develop Bloccit.
Bloccit was deployed using Heroku
Using Rails version 5.1.4 and SQLite3 Clone the program into your local environment
git clone
Run bundle install
to install all of the gems
bundle install --without production
Create a migrate a SQList database
rake db:create
rake db:migrate
Start the rails server
rails server
Go to localhost:3000 to view the application
Gem | Use |
Bootstrap | Style the application |
BCrypt | Authenticate users and their passwords |
Figaro | Configure the Sendgrid addon to the Heroku build |
FactoryGirl | Create factories for models |
Made with my mentor at Bloc.