Short and simple: given an element x in the cobar complex for BP_* BP, this program computes the coboundary dx. For example: fire up the program and enter
v2 [t1^2 t2 | t3] + v3
and you should see:
-16 [ t1^7 ]
+ -4 [ t1t2^2 ]
+ 2 [ t3 ]
+ -56 v1 [ t1^6 ]
+ -1 v1 [ t2^2 ]
+ ... <61 more lines>
This program was written very quickly during collaborative computation sessions with Michael Andrews. It's not at all a polished program at this stage. If there are features or refinements that would be useful to see here, get in touch!
Running the program requires only a single jar
file, available at
You'll want to run it from the command-line, e.g. by
java -jar bpcobar-latest.jar
This repository includes a shell script make
for compiling. Currently it's a bit specialized to my machine, in particular referring to a Java 6 runtime rt.jar
in a subfolder, but it shouldn't be too hard to get it built if you're into Java. Feel free to contact me.