Welcome to Graph-A-Thon - Access Blockchain Data Seamlessly ✨

Graph-A-Thon is a set of challenges build for the Graph community who want learn more and dive into the Graph Protocol.

First Steps

  • Fork the repository
  • Create a new branch username_graphathon, e.g., megabyte_graphathon
  • Create solution-2.md, and solution-3.md in the root directory for your respective solutions.
  • Let's get started! Begin solving the challenges.


⚠️ IMPORTANT: To be eligible for evaluation, make sure to submit your solutions through the Graph-A-Thon Submission Form

Challenge Link Description Prizes
Challenge 1 Start 🐧 Documentation deep dive PFP and $GRT
Challenge 2 Start 🐯 Deploying your own Subgraph PFP and $GRT
Challenge 3 Start 🦊 Using a Subgraph show the data on a React App PFP and $GRT

❓ Got Questions or Need Help?

Join our dedicated Telegram group to seek assistance from the IDThon community and organizers.

🚪 Join here : The Graph India post your doubts and quries here ✨

We suggest you to start with the resources below to gain some ideas about the Graph Protocol and the challenges.

----- Resources

Creators & Contributors: 🥷🏻