Colors Polished

This is a drop-in replacement of @amendable/colors that also adds support for polished color transforms. You can now write primary-darken10 and it will just work.


All polished values that go from 0 to 1 in this resolver syntax goes from 0 to 100. So if you want to transform with darken(0.5, 'red') you have to write red-darken50.

import { render } from 'react-dom'
import Box, { AmendableProvider } from '@amendable/core'
import colorsPolished from '@amendable/colors-polished'
import inlineStyles from '@amendable/inline-styles'

      colorsPolished({ colors: { primary: '#0055ff', red: '#F5BCCF' } }),
    <Box color='primary-darken10' backgroundColor='red'>
      Primary color, darkened by 10 percent


You can both create your own color names or redefine existing CSS colors (like red, blue, etc.)

Supported props

The same props that @amendable/colors support.

Supported Polished color transforms

Transform chaining

This resolver also supports transform chaining:

// you can even write this if you'd like: