Nanoshell (Experimental embedder for Flutter)



  • Leverages existing desktop embedders on each platform
  • Unlike regular desktop embedders, nanoshell provides consistent platform agnostic API
  • Multi-window support
  • Window management
    • Adjusting window styles and geometry
    • Modal dialogs
    • Windows can be set to track content size and resize automatically when content changes
  • Platform menus (popup menu at this point, menubar coming)
  • Drag and Drop
  • Written in Rust, Flutter build integrated with cargo


  • This is project in a very experimental stage, MacOS and Windows backends have feature parity, work on Linux backend has not started yet. nanoshell/src/shell/platform/null would be the place to start when porting to new platform.

Getting started

In theory, it should be as easy as

git clone
cd nanoshell/nanoshell_demo
cargo run

Reality is a fair bit more complicated, as nanoshell requires latest Flutter master, on Windows with some pull requests applied that haven't been merged yet.

Also nanoshell_demo/ has local engine name hardcoded right now.

There is not a whole lot of documentation at this point, example app within nanoshell_demo is probably the best place to start.