
Useful Zabbix SQL queries

Zabbix SQL repo

This repo contains a few useful queries for Zabbix database, mostly to cleanup old and/or orphaned data.

If you have a large database please note that these can take a while (read: a few hours is normal).

Use the queries above on your own risk. Take backups first.

Some scripts are Mysql or Postgresql specific, they're named *.my.sql and *.pg.sql, respectively. Pay attention.


The queries were tested against Zabbix 1.8 and 2.0. Apply with caution to other versions. Consider reporting the results, whether successful or not.

Check how many orphaned rows do you have

user@host-$ mysql zabbix < check-orphaned-data.sql

Delete orphaned rows

user@host-$ mysql zabbix < delete-orphaned-data.sql

Delete old data (1 week for history, 3 months for trends - edit sql at your own discretion)

user@host-$ psql zabbix < delete-old-data.pg.sql

Delete all history for disabled items

user@host-$ psql zabbix < delete-unused-data.sql

Stop zabbix email flood (mysql, pgsql)

(Use stop-and-delete-email-alerts.sql if you're not interested in alert history)

user@host-$ sudo service zabbix-server stop
user@host-$ psql zabbix < stop-email-alerts.sql
user@host-$ sudo service zabbix-server start