Hardhat is configured to use PRIVATE_KEY as an address from which everything is done. For developement purposes the first account of ganache-cli is used as PRIVATE_KEY.
- Make sure the PRIVATE_KEY is set to the owner of the Smart Contract
1a) Set inside
NETWORK you want to deploy to - Deploy the contract to chain
make deploy-mint-contract
- Verify the contrat
make verify-mint-contract
- Make sure the
CONTRACT_ADDRESS is properly set to what was deployed - Run mint script
make mint-team-mummies
- Set region (eu-central-1) and env (dev || prod) + clear all the important .env variables
- Deploy backend/whitelist-signup
- Input: environment to which to deploy (dev is default)
- region: eu-central-1
- yarn install
- serverless deploy --config resources.yml -s ENV['STAGE']
- serverless deploy --config triggers.yml -s ENV['STAGE']
- Output: UserPoolId + UserPoolWebClient => save as .env variables for later use
- Deploy website with working whitelist flow
- Input: UserPoolId, UserPoolWebClient as .env variables
- After the whitelist is done we should set date after which the whitelisted address will not matter UserCreateDate <= fixed date time
- Export list of addresses to data/list.txt
- Deploy backend/whitelist-verification code
- Input: data/list.txt
- yarn install
- serverless deploy
- Output: Deployed code and also calculated merkletree root for contract and saved to .env
- Allow to set new merkletree with ownerOnly public method so in case we make mistake
- Input: data/list.txt
- Deploy mint contract (backend/contracts/mint) with whitelist mint allowed (setWhitelistSale(true)) soldout or 1 week
- Input: network id (eth main net)
- truffle deploy --network (name from truffle.config.js)
- Output:
- Contract address => .env variable
------------- PHASE 3 (public mint) 5 days (27.2. - 3.3.) 5) Set public sale (setPublicSale(true) keep whitelist sale open) until it's sold out
------------- PHASE 4 (sold out or not => reveal) 2 days (5.3.) 6) Switch the contract to reveal the mummies with setBaseURI() to correct Pinanata URL where the collection is
- Write code to ping all the mummies on OpenSea to refresh or ask the members to click refresh