
The package abstracts away some complexity of using the Python packages cartopy/matplotib for creating global intensity maps of a quantity.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


The package abstracts away some complexity of using the Python packages cartopy/matplotlib for creating global heatmaps / intensity maps of a quantity.


Opinionated recommendation: avoid dependency hell and use conda to create a virtual environment and install cartopy (with precompiled binaries).

conda install cartopy


Install this package within the virtual environment:

pip install .


Import the module and call the plot function as shown below:

import map_plotter
    lons_g, lats_g, 
    variable, units="m/s", 
    save=True, plot=True, 
    title="something", zlims=[0,10])


  • lons_g and lats_g represent 2D matrices / grids of longitudes and latitudes.
  • variable is the matrix of scalar values to be plotted (same grid dimensions).
  • variable_vector is the matrix of values of tuples (u,v) to be plotted (same grid dimensions). If both variable and variable_vector specified, quiver plot is overload onto intensity plot.
  • units and img_name (self explanatory, units apply to scalar variable intensity plot).
  • save & plot boolean flags to save the file and plot to screen, respectively.
  • zlims define the color scale minimum and maximum.


Install testing dependencies:

pip install -r tests/requirements.txt

Run the test script to visualize ocean current data:

python tests/check_map.py

A map is displayed, and a PNG file is generated in the tests/ directory.


Example of Total Electron Content map plotting

Figure 1: Total electron content of the ionosphere for given date-time as nowcast by the NOAA WAM-IPE model

