Duplicate a section of a form, maintaining accessibility (a11y)

Using plain JavaScript (ES6), you can now duplicate a section of a form (as well as destroy the last cloned section), the whole form, or just one or two inputs. This also allows the user to add an empty form section with unique, iterative ID, for, name, and label to maintain accessibility (a11y) and work with the database.

If you prefer, the index.js file is well-commented.

jQuery version

There's a jQuery version, if you are into that kind of thing. It's been in development since June 2013, and is more stable, at the moment.

ES6 JavaScript version

This ES6 version was a direct port over from the jQuery version. While it's functionaly the same as the jQuery version, there are some notable todos and refactoring that needs to be done before it can be used in production environments.


This cloning script is built to:

  • allow a user to duplicate a section (one or more inputs) of a form
  • not duplicate the user’s inputs from the original section, but show a fresh, empty section below the original
  • stop a user from adding new sections at a specified integer (default is 5 total)
  • maintain the accessibility of matching the labels to the input attributes, even after cloning
  • increment the updated for, id and name attributes (ID2*, ID3*, ID4_) so as to be unique pairs
  • be customizable to work with your existing form

This is not a drop-in-and-it-works solution. You can see in the index.js file that we depend on querying for classnames to update the for, id and name attributes of inputs, among other things.

How it works

  1. you wrap the section you want to allow to be cloned with a div with a class of clonedInput.
  2. on click, we clone that section and all of its children nodes
  3. then we increment a number variable (to keep track of sections; for, id and name attributes; removing sections...)
  4. increment the for, id and name attributes (ID2*, ID3*, ID4_) of inputs
  5. set all input values to null
  6. insert the cloned and updated section after the previous
  7. check if we are at the max allowable sections, and update buttons accordingly

Form field support

This is currently supporting the cloning of:

  • <input> type="text"
  • <input> type="checkbox"
  • <input> type="radio"
  • <select> menu of options


The public ES6 static site demo can be viewed here (download repo and view).

There is also a demo using the Rollup.js starter app available in this repo (download repo and run--see README for details).

Cool Time Budget Calculator on Codepen

I found a pen that uses this to create a simple form for a calculator. View it here.


The MIT License (MIT)