
My .vim settings, colorschemes, plugins, etc...

Primary LanguageVim Script

Mark Turner’s .vim

This is now defunct. See my dotfiles for my new setup.

Welcome to the magical world of my .vim. I use this setup every day and finally decided to share it with the world… or at least my co-workers.

It is based primarily on the work of Ben Bleything, the people that inspired him, and the crew at Opscode.

See the Credits section below for more details.


Pretty straightforward. Clone and symlink:

$ git clone git://github.com/amerine/dotvim.git ~/.vim
$ ln -s ~/.vim/vimrc ~/.vimrc

Then install/update the bundles:

$ cd ~/.vim
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update

Then link the snippets:

$ cd ~/.vim/bundle/snipmate_snippets && rake install

Install the Monaco_Linux-Powerline.ttf font.


  • My personal settings

  • The mustang color scheme




Ben Bleything

Without Ben’s amazing dotvim none of this would have been possible. Thanks Ben! You should read his blog and stalk him on twitter. Also, buy him a beer whenever you can.

Mahlon Smith

Responsible for getting me into vi in the first place and providing a ton of support, tips, and tricks over the years. You should go read this blog post he wrote about his vim setup.

Adam Jacob

Upon whose config Joshua and AJ based their tweaks. Available on github.

Joshua Timberman

Various tweaks to Adam’s config, available on github.

AJ Christensen

Various tweaks to Adam’s config, available on github.

Other Folks

The authors of the plugins and syntax defined above.