Missing HRESULT for IDXGIOutputDuplication::AcquireNextFrame
Closed this issue · 2 comments
schillc commented
First of all thanks for being the spiritual successor of SharpDX and in many cases even better.
When porting one of my projects from SharpDX to Vortice I noticed that there is no HRESULT return value for IDXGIOutputDuplication::AcquireNextFrame and instead it returns void
SharpDX implementation (TryAcquireNextFrame) : https://github.com/sharpdx/SharpDX/blob/master/Source/SharpDX.DXGI/OutputDuplication.cs
I'm not familiar with SharpGen so it would be great to see this fixed in a future release. Thanks!
amerkoleci commented
Thanks! This has been fixed with 2117c21
You can call AcquireNextFrame and check Result.
schillc commented
Thanks, works great!