
MaxLOD Capped

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I've noticed that when creating a ID3D11SamplerState, the MaxLOD gets set to 0 instead of the value I passed in the SamplerDescription. I've tested with the projects in the Vortice.Windows.Samples repo, and have seen the same result. This is preventing me from sampling at different mip-levels in my pixel shader.

To test, clone the Vortice.Windows.Samples repo, run the D3D11 project DrawTexturedCube with a break point here. Inspect the _textureSampler.Description and note the MaxLOD value.

You can also test it with this code in a D3D11 project:
var textureSampler = Device.CreateSamplerState(SamplerDescription.LinearWrap);

Is anyone experience this? Does anyone know if this is related to my hardware or if it's a bug in the framework?

Thanks in advance, and thank you @amerkoleci for your hard work on this framework!

Thanks for finding this issue, the next 2.4.1-beta nuget contains fix (1845cc4)


Thank you!