Steps taken after starting the project with npx create-turbo@latest -e with-react-native-web

  • Select yarn workspace (it could be whatever you want)

  • Update expo version to ~49.0.7. Then, re-install dependencies again from the project's root

  • Run sudo npx expo install --check, then fix the dependencies

  • At this point, the project can be successfuly run without any errors. We can now proceed and add expo-router 👇

Used this expo-router docs as a guide

  • Run npx expo install expo-router react-native-safe-area-context react-native-screens expo-linking expo-constants expo-status-bar react-native-gesture-handler
  • Re-install dependencies again from project's root
  • Remove index.js's content and replace it with import "expo-router/entry";. See working with monorepos guide
  • Set "scheme": "turborepo-with-expo-router" in app.json (Replace the schema with whatever you like)
  • Add plugins: ["expo-router/babel"], in babel.config.js
  • Create .env file and add EXPO_USE_METRO_WORKSPACE_ROOT=1
  • Finally, remove App.tsx and start creating the first page in /app