
Hive SerDe for Flattened JSON

Primary LanguageJava

Hive SerDe for Flattened JSON


com.amm.hive.serde.flattened.JsonSerDe processes a file of JSON documents and flattens all nested objects and arrays to one level.

There are two steps to the process:

  • Build the Hive DDL table schema and load into Hive.
  • Create the Hive table using the SerDe.

Sample JSON feed files



Generates Hive DDL.


  • TABLE_NAME - name of table in create statement.
  • HDFS_DIRECTORY - value of LOCATION in create statement.
  • JSON_FILES - list of JSON files to process. Each line is expected to be a legal JSON document - hence the extension 'jsonfeed'.


Generates Hive DDL for persons.jsonfeed.


build-schema.sh persons /tables/persons data/persons.jsonfeed

build-schema.sh tweets /tables/tweets data/tweets.jsonfeed

build-schema.sh pull_request_comments /tables/pull_request_comments data/pull_request_comments.jsonfeed

Build and Run

In the shell:

mvn package
sample-build-schema.sh | tee persons.ddl
hdfs dfs -mkdir /tables/persons
hdfs dfs -put data/persons.jsonfeed /tables/persons

In Hive:

add jar target/amm-serde-json-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar ; 
   or add to your Hive lib directory

// Paste the contents of persons.ddl

  name string,
  yob int,
  status boolean,
  address_city string,
  address_state string,
  ids_0 int,
  ids_1 int
  ROW FORMAT SERDE 'com.amm.hive.serde.flattened.JsonSerDe'
  LOCATION '/tables/persons';

select * from persons ;

name   yob   status  address_city  address_state  ids_0  ids_1
john   2000  true    seattle       WA             10     11
mary   2001  false   miami         FL             20     21
juan   1990  true    Hermosillo    Sonora         10     11
maria  1991  false   Bella Unión   Artigas        20     21

JSON and DDL for Samples

Persons Sample


{ "name" : "john", "yob" : 2000, "status" : true,  "address" : { "city": "seattle", "state": "WA" }, "ids": [ 10, 11 ] }
{ "name" : "mary", "yob" : 2001, "status" : false, "address" : { "city": "miami" , "state": "FL"}, "ids": [ 20, 21 ]  }
{ "name" : "juan", "yob" : 1990, "status" : true,  "address" : { "city": "Hermosillo", "state": "Sonora" }, "ids": [ 10, 11 ] }
{ "name" : "maria", "yob" : 1991, "status" : false, "address" : { "city": "Bella Unión" , "state": "Artigas"}, "ids": [ 20, 21 ]  }

JSON - Formatted sample line

  "name" : "john",
  "yob" : 2000,
  "status" : true,
  "address" : {
    "city" : "seattle",
    "state" : "WA"
  "ids" : [ 10, 11 ]


  name string,
  yob int,
  status boolean,
  address_city string,
  address_state string,
  ids_0 int,
  ids_1 int
ROW FORMAT SERDE 'com.amm.hive.serde.flattened.JsonSerDe'
LOCATION '/tables/persons';

GHTorrent Sample

JSON - Formatted sample line

  "_id" : {
    "$oid" : "52a5c7c1bd35431ec500000a"
  "url" : "https://api.github.com/repos/jokesterfr/node-pcsc/pulls/comments/8004021",
  "id" : 8004021,
  "diff_hunk" : "@@ -44,11 +44,11 @@ function readCard() {\n \t\t\tprocess.send(evt);\n \t\t}\n \t});\n-\n-\t// C++ side is blocking, recursion here does not harm\n-\treturn readCard();\n };\n-readCard();\n+// In general: recursion is a nice, but most architectures don't like them much.\n+// The Stack size gets incremented and we got an stack overflow when we removed the card reader.\n+// Furthermore the C++ side might not be blocking (pre 1.6.x PCSClite).\n+while(1) readCard();\n ",
  "path" : "lib/node-pcsc.js",
  "position" : 13,
  "original_position" : 13,
  "commit_id" : "426d87a897c1b373d57df7d2928b4a943aab5160",
  "original_commit_id" : "426d87a897c1b373d57df7d2928b4a943aab5160",
  "user" : {
    "login" : "jokesterfr",
    "id" : 1536672,
    "avatar_url" : "https://2.gravatar.com/avatar/c3c2d3774a31803e93500a36a20a48b7?d=https%3A%2F%2Fidenticons.github.com%2Fdb24d7098cdf8a681537b5da98e1cb22.png&r=x",
    "gravatar_id" : "c3c2d3774a31803e93500a36a20a48b7",
    "url" : "https://api.github.com/users/jokesterfr",
    "html_url" : "https://github.com/jokesterfr",
    "followers_url" : "https://api.github.com/users/jokesterfr/followers",
    "following_url" : "https://api.github.com/users/jokesterfr/following{/other_user}",
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    "events_url" : "https://api.github.com/users/jokesterfr/events{/privacy}",
    "received_events_url" : "https://api.github.com/users/jokesterfr/received_events",
    "type" : "User",
    "site_admin" : false
  "body" : "Ah ah! I'm understanding some border line effects...",
  "created_at" : "2013-11-29T15:37:42Z",
  "updated_at" : "2013-11-29T15:37:42Z",
  "html_url" : "https://github.com/jokesterfr/node-pcsc/pull/13#discussion_r8004021",
  "pull_request_url" : "https://api.github.com/repos/jokesterfr/node-pcsc/pulls/13",
  "_links" : {
    "self" : {
      "href" : "https://api.github.com/repos/jokesterfr/node-pcsc/pulls/comments/8004021"
    "html" : {
      "href" : "https://github.com/jokesterfr/node-pcsc/pull/13#discussion_r8004021"
    "pull_request" : {
      "href" : "https://api.github.com/repos/jokesterfr/node-pcsc/pulls/13"
  "repo" : "node-pcsc",
  "owner" : "jokesterfr",
  "pullreq_id" : 13


CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE pull_request_comments (
  id___oid string,
  url string,
  id_ int,
  diff_hunk string,
  path string,
  position int,
  original_position int,
  commit_id string,
  original_commit_id string,
  user_login string,
  user_id int,
  user_avatar_url string,
  user_gravatar_id string,
  user_url string,
  user_html_url string,
  user_followers_url string,
  user_following_url string,
  user_gists_url string,
  user_starred_url string,
  user_subscriptions_url string,
  user_organizations_url string,
  user_repos_url string,
  user_events_url string,
  user_received_events_url string,
  user_type string,
  user_site_admin boolean,
  body string,
  created_at string,
  updated_at string,
  html_url string,
  pull_request_url string,
  links_self_href string,
  links_html_href string,
  links_pull_request_href string,
  repo string,
  owner string,
  pullreq_id int
ROW FORMAT SERDE 'com.amm.hive.serde.flattened.JsonSerDe'
LOCATION '/tables/pull_request_comments';

Twitter Tweets Sample

JSON - Formatted sample line

    "contributors": null, 
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    "created_at": "Sat Nov 05 00:24:23 +0000 2011", 
    "entities": {
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        "user_mentions": []
    "favorited": false, 
    "geo": null, 
    "id": 132614199451975681, 
    "id_str": "132614199451975681", 
    "in_reply_to_screen_name": null, 
    "in_reply_to_status_id": null, 
    "in_reply_to_status_id_str": null, 
    "in_reply_to_user_id": null, 
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    "place": null, 
    "retweet_count": 0, 
    "retweeted": false, 
    "source": "<a href=\"http://twitter.com/#!/download/iphone\" rel=\"nofollow\">Twitter for iPhone</a>", 
    "text": "Si creen que se chinguen Facebook?", 
    "truncated": false, 
    "user": {
        "contributors_enabled": false, 
        "created_at": "Fri Mar 26 15:24:18 +0000 2010", 
        "default_profile": false, 
        "default_profile_image": false, 
        "description": "ni yo se...", 
        "favourites_count": 61, 
        "follow_request_sent": null, 
        "followers_count": 324, 
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        "listed_count": 18, 
        "location": "Aguascalientes,Mexico", 
        "name": "Que no se!", 
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        "profile_background_color": "1A1B1F", 
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        "statuses_count": 22267, 
        "time_zone": "Central Time (US & Canada)", 
        "url": null, 
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        "verified": false


  text string,
  created_at string,
  favorited boolean,
  source string,
  retweet_count int,
  truncated boolean,
  retweeted boolean,
  user_statuses_count int,
  user_profile_background_image_url string,
  user_screen_name string,
  user_friends_count int,
  user_profile_link_color string,
  user_created_at string,
  user_profile_image_url_https string,
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  user_contributors_enabled boolean,
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  user_profile_background_tile boolean,
  user_profile_sidebar_fill_color string,
  user_default_profile boolean,
  user_show_all_inline_media boolean,
  user_listed_count int,
  user_is_translator boolean,
  user_profile_sidebar_border_color string,
  user_protected boolean,
  user_profile_background_image_url_https string,
  user_time_zone string,
  user_location string,
  user_name string,
  user_profile_use_background_image boolean,
  user_favourites_count int,
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  entities_urls_0_url string,
  possibly_sensitive boolean,
  user_url string,
  in_reply_to_user_id int,
  entities_user_mentions_0_screen_name string,
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  entities_user_mentions_0_id_str string,
  in_reply_to_screen_name string,
  in_reply_to_user_id_str string
ROW FORMAT SERDE 'com.amm.hive.serde.flattened.JsonSerDe'
LOCATION '/tables/tweets';


  • Find canonical reference for Hive reserved keywords.
  • Externalize keywords into file that is loaded as resource.
  • Allow configurable name mapping strategies, e.g. backtick, etc.