
Pluggable MLflow Scoring Server

Primary LanguagePython



MLfow provides a versatile scoring server based on the MLflow Pyfunc flavor. The MLflow scoring server accepts only JSON or CSV requests, and JSON responses. See Deploy MLflow models.

This pluggable scoring server is an exploratory POC that offers the ability to plug in custom request or response payloads. It addresses the need to submit an image for scoring.


  • Ideally, once this POC pluggable logic is finalized, it could/should be merged into the MLflow code base.
  • The installation of packages is rudimentary since they are installed in the current virtual environment. The correct solution is to create a virtual environment on the fly like the MLflow scoring server does.

Sample plugins

A number of sample plugins are provided for convenience. Each sample has a plugin.py file, sample data and a sample MLflow model.

Following examples are provided:

Algorithm Plugin Model Data Payloads
Keras MNIST plugin.py model mnist_0_10.png PNG image request and JSON response
Sklearn Wine plugin.py model predict-wine-quality.json JSON request and JSON response
Sklearn Wine (ONNX) plugin.py model predict-wine-quality.json JSON request and JSON response
Spark ML plugin.py N/A predict-wine-quality.json JSON request and JSON response


Base Plugin Class

The plugin class has the following methods:

  • load_model - loads a model specified by the model_uri.
  • predict - scores the input, first doing any input data conversion.
  • request_content_type - Content type of request.

From mlflow_pluggable_scoring_server/plugin.py.

Base plugin class for pluggable scoring.
from abc import abstractmethod, ABCMeta

class BasePlugin(metaclass=ABCMeta):

    def load_model(self, model_uri):
        Load a model.
        :param model_uri: Standard MLflow model URI.
        :return: Model.

    def predict(self, model, data):
        Predict the input data.
        :param model: Model to predict with.
        :param data: Data to predict.
        :return: Predictions.

    def request_content_type(self):
        Content type of request entity body.

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"Request content-type: {self.request_content_type()}"

Example Plugin

From plugin_samples/keras_mnist/plugin.py. We first convert the input PNG image to a numpy array and then score.

from mlflow_pluggable_scoring_server.plugin import BasePlugin
class Plugin(BasePlugin):
    def predict(self, model, img_bytes):
        import json
        import numpy as np
        from io import BytesIO
        from PIL import Image
        img = Image.open(BytesIO(img_bytes))
        img_np = np.resize(img, (1, 28*28))
        data = img_np.astype("float32") / 255
        predictions = model.predict(data)
        return json.dumps(predictions.tolist())

    def load_model(self, model_uri):
        import mlflow.keras
        return mlflow.keras.load_model(model_uri)

    def request_content_type(self):
        return "application/octet-stream"


There Two ways to run the scoring server:

  • Local server
  • Docker server


conda env create --file conda.yaml
source activate mlflow-pluggable-scoring-server

Run Scoring Server Locally


python -u mlflow_pluggable_scoring_server.webserver --help

  --host TEXT               Host.
  --port INTEGER            Port.
  --plugin-file TEXT        Plugin path.  [required]
  --plugin-class TEXT       Plugin full class name. Default is 'plugin.Plugin'.
  --model-uri TEXT          Model URI.  [required]
  --packages TEXT           PyPI packages (comma delimited).
  --conf TEXT               Webserver configuration file.
  --help                    Show this message and exit.


Run with model from sample run.

python -u -m mlflow_pluggable_scoring_server.webserver \
  --host localhost --port 5005 \
  --plugin-file plugin_samples/keras_mnist/plugin.py \
  --model-uri file:plugin_samples/keras_mnist/94580121e06f483691151c8337f64b48/artifacts/keras-model \
  --packages tensorflow==2.3.0,Pillow

Run with model from Model Registry.

python -u -m mlflow_pluggable_scoring_server.webserver \
  --host localhost --port 5005 \
  --plugin-file plugin_samples/keras_mnist/plugin.py \
  --model-uri models:/keras_mnist/Production \
  --packages tensorflow==2.3.0,Pillow

Sklearn Wine

python -u -m mlflow_pluggable_scoring_server.webserver \
  --host localhost --port 5005 \
  --plugin-file plugin_samples/sklearn_wine/plugin.py \
  --model-uri plugin_samples/sklearn_wine/7a7022b7d5ce48e4ac789808c6d3250e/artifacts/sklearn-model \
  --packages scikit-learn==0.20.2 

Sklearn Wine ONNX

python -u -m mlflow_pluggable_scoring_server.webserver \
  --host localhost --port 5005 \
  --plugin-file plugin_samples/sklearn_wine/onnx_plugin.py \
  --model-uri plugin_samples/sklearn_wine/7a7022b7d5ce48e4ac789808c6d3250e/artifacts/onnx-model \
  --packages onnx==1.7.0,onnxmltools==1.7.0,onnxruntime==1.4.0

SparkML Wine

python -u -m mlflow_pluggable_scoring_server.webserver \
  --host localhost --port 5005 \
  --plugin-file plugin_samples/sparkml_wine/plugin.py \
  --model-uri models:/sparkml_wine/1 \
  --packages pyspark==2.4.5

Run Scoring Server with Docker

Build Docker Image

See docker_build.py.


python -u mlflow_pluggable_scoring_server.docker_build.py --help

  --packages TEXT           PyPI packages (comma delimited).
  --model-uri TEXT          Model URI.  [required]
  --plugin-file TEXT        Python plugin file.  [required]
  --docker-image TEXT       Docker image name  [required]
  --plugin-full-class TEXT  Plugin full class name. Default is 'plugin.Plugin'.
  --tmp-model-dir TEXT      Temporary model directory for docker COPY. Default is './tmp'.

Run against sample file-based URI

python -u mlflow_pluggable_scoring_server.docker_build.py \
  --plugin-file plugin_samples/keras_mnist/plugin.py \
  --model-uri file:plugin_samples/keras_mnist/94580121e06f483691151c8337f64b48/artifacts/keras-model \
  --packages tensorflow==2.3.0,Pillow \
  --docker-image mlflow_scoring_server_keras

Run against registered model URI

python -u mlflow_pluggable_scoring_server.docker_build.py \
  --plugin-file plugin_samples/keras_mnist/plugin.py \
  --model-uri models:keras_mnist/1 \
  --packages tensorflow==2.3.0,Pillow \
  --docker-image mlflow_scoring_server_keras

Run Docker Container

docker container run -p 5005:5005 -dit --name mlflow_scoring_server_keras my_scoring_server_keras

Score with REST API

Score request data.


curl -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type:application/octet-stream" \
  -H "Accept:application/json" \
  --data-binary @plugin_samples/keras_mnist/data/mnist_0_10.png \
[[0.999970555305481, 2.3606221422056706e-09, 7.467354862455977e-06, 1.942700578183576e-07, 2.5061572261897425e-10, 1.1649563930404838e-05, 7.735456165391952e-06, 1.382385335091385e-06, 1.0034289488203285e-07, 8.520780738763278e-07]]

Wine Quality - Sklearn or Spark ML

curl -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
  -H "Accept:application/json" \
  --data-binary @plugin_samples/data/predict-wine-quality.json \
[5.370157819225251, 5.535714285714286, 5.760869565217392]

Other REST API endpoints


Display system status.

curl http://localhost:5005/api/status
    "system": {
        "pid": 68015,
        "current_dir": "/opt/mlflow-pluggable-scoring-server",
        "python.version": "3.7.6 (default, Jan  8 2020, 13:42:34) \n[Clang 4.0.1 (tags/RELEASE_401/final)]",
        "request": {
            "url_root": "http://localhost:5005/",
            "remote_addr": ""
        "current_logging_level": "DEBUG"


Show REST API with Swagger.

curl http://localhost:5005/api/swagger
    "swagger": "2.0",
    "basePath": "/",
    "paths": {
        "/api/predict": {
            "post": {
                "responses": {
                    "200": {
                        "description": "Success"
                "description": "Endpoint for scoring.",
                "operationId": "post_predict",
                "parameters": [
                        "description": "Details",
                        "name": "text",
                        "type": "string",
                        "in": "query"
                "tags": [
       "/api/status": {
. . .