
<juicy-html> is a custom element that let's you load partial HTML chunks into your Polymer apps

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT


<juicy-html> is a custom element that lets you load HTML partials into your Web Components

If you have this:

var model = {
  appdata: {
    username: "World"
  html: "<h1>Hello {{ username }}</h1>"

You can put it on screen with this:

<template is="juicy-html" bind="{{ appdata }}" content="{{ html }}"></template>

To produce that:

<h1>Hello World</h1>


Live examples


juicy-html exists because in Polymer there is no built-in way to insert a <template> model variable as HTML (Polymer inserts every string as plain text).

AngularJS has a way to do it (ngBindHtml) so hopefully one day Polymer gets that too and this project will become obsolete.


Your HTML partials can contain:

  • regular HTML
  • inline scripts using <script>//JS code here</script>
  • inline styles using <style>/*CSS code here*/</style>
  • external stylesheets using <link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/file.css">, with href value relative to the document
  • external scripts using <script src="path/relative/to/main/document.js"></script>
  • native, regular, inline <template> features (binding, attributes, etc.)

Of course, the 2-way data binding provided by works within your partials as desired.

Pleas note, that <script> and <style> support is handled by <template> itself.


  1. Import Web Components' polyfill:

    <script src="bower_components/platform/platform.js"></script>
  2. Import Custom Element:

    <link rel="import" href="bower_components/juicy-html/juicy-html.html">
  3. Start using it!

    Load HTML partial from a string:

    <template is="juicy-html" content="{{ var }}"></template>
    <!-- where {{ var }} equals "<b>some</b> HTML" -->

    Load HTML partial from a URL:

    <template is="juicy-html" content="{{ var }}"></template>
    <!-- where {{ var }} equals "./path/to/file.html", a path relative to the document that must start with / or ./ -->


Attribute Options Default Description
content string "" Safe HTML code, or path to partial to be loaded.


<juicy-html> is dependent on Polymer as a polyfill for Web Components APIs. In future, it will be library-agnostic.



  • Polymer dependency, Platform polyfills are the only dependency. Polymer is indirectly used as devDependency for core-menu demos.


  • repo was moved and renamed to Juicy/juicy-html
  • most of <template> (Polymer's Template Binding) features are now also supported


  • x-html now extends <template>, so use it as <template is="x-html">,
  • Inherit from HTMLTemplateElement.prototype,
  • Content is being added on x-html level (as a sibling),
  • x-html no longer bother about <script>,<style>, and <link type="import"> tags, it delagates this to <template>. So you should be aware of execution order of inline and external scripts. If you still need blocking for dynamically added scripts consider <imported-template>.


  • Compatibility changes for Polymer 0.2.2 (use element templateInstance property instead of bindings) (see ticket #7)
  • Add "web-components" keyword for CustomElements.io


  • Compatibility changes for Polymer 0.2.0 and Canary
  • Native Node.prototype is no longer modified


  • Compatibility changes for Polymer 0.1.4 and Canary (now works with native HTML Imports). See the discussion
  • Allow Polymer Expressions in partials (e.g. <template if="{{val == 1}}">)
  • Updated bower.json to play well with Polymer 0.1.x (will resolve to most recent version if possible)
  • Refactor some functions to be actual XHTMLPrototype methods (cleaner code)
  • Add "Rationale" section to the readme


  • Compatibility fix with Polymer 0.1.3 (needed to change a way the container's data model is retrieved in the partial template)


  • Compatibility fix with Polymer 0.1.1 (only changes in the examples, no change in actual x-html.html)
  • Moved the Polymer dependencies out of the repository for a better experience using Bower


Compatibility fix with recent changes in Polymer and Chrome Canary (version of Polymer 0.1.0+ checked out using Bower and saved in examples/bower_components)


Compatibility fix with recent changes in Polymer and Chrome Canary (see ticket #1)


Started its own repo: PuppetJs/x-html