
⚙️ Configuration files for the software I use

Primary LanguageShell

ianmethyst's dots

Desktop screneshot

These are my dotfiles for my Arch Linux setup running in my laptop. To manage these I use GNU Stow as follows:

stow nvim

Assuming that this repository will be at $HOME/dotfiles, the command above will symlink the files in the nvim folder (in the repository) preserving the folder structure to the parent folder from which the command was issued($HOME, in this case).

To remove the symlink, use the -D switch. ( stow -D nvim for instance )


File Description
beets Music library manager.
bin Some scripts that serve different puprposes. I'll move this to its own repo someday.
compton Composite manager.
dunst Notification daemon.
fontconfig Font eye candy.
gpg Because you have to encrypt your important stuff, right?
gtk Sometimes I use GUI apps. That's what this is about.
i3 My window manager of choice at the moment.
mpd Music player daemon.
ncmpcpp Music player to be used with MPD.
neofetch Config for script that displays info about the system.
nvim NeoVim. Fork of Vim. Best text editor (?).
openbox Another window manager I've been messing around with.
polybar Status bar. Only for i3.
ranger File explorer that can display pictures on the terminal.
telegram Cool instant messaging service. I wonder why my friends doesn't use it.
termite Terminal with true color and emoji support.
tint2 Status bar. Only for Openbox.
x Xorg related config files.
zathura PDF, EPUB and CBR viewer. Lovely.
zsh Zsh shell.