A suite of universal near real-market environments for DRL in quant finance.
Why NeoFinRL (FinRL-Gym): Motivation
● To close the sim-reality gap: existing academic AI+Finance papers use backtesting on historical data, the reported performance (annualized return, shape ratio, max dropdown, etc.) may be quite different when we apply the algorithms to a paper/live trading, or real markets.
● To reduce the data pre-processing burden, so that quants can focus on developing their strategies.
● To facilitate fair comparisons or benchmark performances, providing standardized envs will allow researchers to evaluate different strategies in some way. Also, it would help researchers to better understand the “black-box” algorithm.
Design Principles
● Plug-and-play (PnP): Modularity○Handle different markets (say T0 vs. T+1)
● Avoid hard-coded parameters
● Closing the sim-real gap by “simulation-validation-trading”: simulation for training andconnecting real-time APIs for trading; here a “virtual env” may be a good solution.
● Efficient sampling: accelerate sampling is key! Here, we can learn ideas from the ElegantRL project. Note that multi-processing is a key to reducing training time. (scheduling between CPU + GPU)
● Transparency: a virtual env which is invisible to the upper layer
● Completeness and universal:
Different markets;
Various data sources (API, Excel, etc)○User-friendly variables (complete and allow user-define): may use heritage of class
● Flexibility and extensibility: Inheritance might be helpful here
What is Gym? ● Gym by OpenAI
Gym is a toolkit for developing and comparing DRL algorithms. Gym’s main purpose is to provide a large collection of environments that expose a unified interface and allow fair comparisons.
Two main constraints of Gym:
- The need for better benchmarks
- Lack of standardization of environments used in publications
Resources: https://github.com/openai/gym/blob/master/docs/creating-environments.md
run demo_btc_ccxt.py
WrdsEngineer: An aggregation class of data fetching, preprocessing functions of TAQ data under WRDS. (Still under test. A jupyter notebook about this class will be released soon.)
run demo_stock_wrds.py
run demo_stock_alpaca.py
run demo_stock_jq.py
See demo_stock_qc.ipynb (Run it on QuantConnect web)