
Reference IEEE Paper: Research on SQL Injection Attack and Prevention Technology Based on Web

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Reference IEEE Paper : Research on SQL Injection Attack and Prevention Technology Based on Web

Name: Amey Gangan | Class: SY B1 | Course: RDBMS | Faculty Name: Vaibhav Vasani,Pradnya Bhangale | College Name:KJSCE

Instructions: Firstly, I have uploaded the Research Paper and Presentation in the documents folder. I have implemented SQL Injection attacks and the preventions that can be taken while we are taking input from users. I have implemented it through a login form where an hacker can perform SQL Injection attack and also I have provided one tab of solution where SQL Injection Attack is prevented. So you can download the zip file or clone the repository. After downloading/cloning you have to install XAMPP server for running this project. After XAMPP Server is installed then create the database login_users.sql in the phpMyAdmin section. After creating the database the sql queries basically runs one time. After that you can type 'localhost/FOLDER_NAME'. Some images of the implementation:


When user enters correct username and password: image

When hacker enters fake username and password: image