Troop Training Simulation

  • class TroopManager

    • Behaviour

      • public Troop createTroop(Trooper troopType, int quantity)
      • public Troop TrainTroop(Trooper troopType, int quantity)
      • public Troop viewTroopCamp(Trooper troopType, int quantity)
  • class Trooper : Enum

    • Behaviour

      • Trooper(int trainingTime, int trainingCost)
      • getters and setters

Class Troop

  • state

    • private Trooper tropper
    • private int quantity
  • Behaviour

    • Smart Constructor
    • validation of troop parameters

class Barracks

  • state

    • private int capacity;
    • private List troopsBeingTrained;
  • Behaviour

    • Constrcutor
      • public Barracks(int capacity)
      • validations
    • trainTheTroop(Troop troop) :

class ArmyCamp

  • state

    • private List trainedTroops;
  • Behaviour

    • public void addTroop(Troop troop)
    • public void viewTroopCamp()
    • private int countTroops()

class Main

  • functionality for the console based application