Unusual Spends

Description :

You work at a credit card company and as a value-add they want to start providing alerts to users when their spending in any particular category is higher than usual.

  • Compare the total amount paid for the current month, grouped by category with the previous month
  • Filter down to the categories for which the user spent at least 50% more this month than last month
  • Compose an e-mail message to the user that lists the categories for which spending was unusually high

OOMD Design for the Credit Card Company

OOMD For Unusual Spends


  • DTO

    • UnusualSpendingEmailAlertDTO

      • State

        • private Customer customer;
        • private Map<Category, Double> unusualSpends;
        • private double totalUnusualAmount;
  • Exception

    • creditcardexception : contains all defined exceptions for creditCard Validation
    • customerexception : contains all defined exceptions for customer Data Validation
    • transactionexceptin : contains all defined exceptions for transaction Data Validation
  • model

    • class Category: enum

    • class Customer

      • State

        • private final int id;
        • private final String name;
        • private final String email;
        • private CreditCard creditCard;
      • Behaviour

        • Smart Constructor
        • getters and setters
    • class CreditCard

      • State

        • private creditcardId : int
        • private List transactions
      • Behaviour

        • Smart Constructor
        • addTransaction
        • getters and setters
    • class Transaction

      • State

        • private final int transactionId;
        • private final LocalDate date;
        • private final double amount;
        • private final Category category;
      • Behaviour

        • Smart Constructor
        • Transaction Validations
        • getters and setters
    • class UnusualSpend

      • Behaviour

        • public static double getTotalAmountSpent()
        • public static List currentMonthTransactions(List transactions)
        • public static List previousMonthTransactions(List transactions)
        • public static Map<Category, Double> calculateUnusualSpend(List currentMonthTransactions, List previousMonthTransactions, double thresholdPercentage)
        • public static double totalUnusualAmountSpend(Map<Category, Double> unusualSpends)
        • public static Map<Category, Double> totalSpending(List transactions)
    • Services

      • class EmailAlert

        • Behaviour

          • public String sendEmail(String subject, String body, String customerEmailId)
      • class EmailAlertMessage

        • Behaviour

          • public static String generateUnusualSpendingEmail(UnusualSpendingEmailAlertDTO emailDTO)
  • class CreditCardManager

    • Behaviour

      • public Customer createCustomer(int customerId, String customerName, String customerEmail)
      • public void createCreditCardForCustomer(int creditCardId, Customer customer)
      • public void createTransactionForACreditCard(int transactionId, LocalDate date, double amount, Category category, CreditCard creditCard)
      • public boolean analyzeUnusualSpendsFor(CreditCard creditCard)