
React component for nbconvert.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript




Rendering an IPython notebook should be reasonably simple: JSON in, html out. It could be pretty easily accomplished with a minimal templating library, but since React is a glorified templating library and opens the door to robust markdown/mathjax/editing/manipulation/etc., it seemed like a natural approach (absolutely open to critique/differing opinions on this). The goals are:

  1. A notebook component that can be dropped into an existing interface. It receives json and renders the notebook.
  2. A command line conversion untility that just uses ReactDOMServer.renderToString to create equivalent output as a command line utility.


Incomplete and not fully functional. At the moment it just creates some basic cell markup and renders the markdown content. To see a simple example:

$ npm install
$ npm run build
$ node dist/bin/nbconvert.js test/fixtures/notebook1.ipynb.json 

The output (beautified and with react tags removed) is:

<div class="ipynb">
  <div class="ipynbCell--text">
    <p>$$y = x$$</p>
  <div class="ipynbCell--code">
  <div class="ipynbCell--code">
  <div class="ipynbCell--code">
  <div class="ipynbCell--code">
  <div class="ipynbCell--code">
  <div class="ipynbCell--raw">
  <div class="ipynbCell--code">


  • Add mathjax support and proper escaping of equations (escape with backtics and remove before insertion and mathjax rendering? Is there a better pattern for this?)
  • Render code cells
  • Figure out how images are bundled
  • Figure out what raw nbconvert cells do
  • Separate nbconvert into separate repo (i.e. avoid unnecessary dependencies in this repo)
  • And more


To see it in action, run $ npm start , go to http://localhost:8080, and drag an ipynb file onto the "Choose file" button.


There are a three different build processes going on, depending on the target. To build everything, just run

$ npm run build

Building lib/

src/ is all ES6, so lib/ contains a babel-transpiled version. Build with:

$ npm install -g babel-cli
$ npm run build-lib

Building the example

The example can either be served locally via webpack-dev-server with

$ npm run start

or built for distribution (todo: working example on gh-pages?) with

$ npm run build-example

Building nbconvert

A standalone command-line verison can be compiled with

$ npm run build-bin
$ node dist/bin/nbconvert.js /path/to/notebook.ipynb


Tests are done with react shallow rendering. Run with

$ npm run test