🚀 About Me

🔭 I’m currently a Computer Science Graduate Student at Arizona State University.

🌱 Visit my Portfolio

👯 I’m looking for Summer Internship Opportunities to expand my knowledge and network.

👨‍💻 All of my projects are available at my GitHub

📫 How to reach me amey.bhilegaonkar@asu.edu

Java Spark Projects

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This repository contains following Projects

  • Project 1 : It is a simple Java Application, which reads a text csv file and conerts the file into
Dataset<Row> object
- A Dataset object then gets loaded into PostGreSQL table at the backend.
- We are also performing trasnformations and actions to understand he difference between the two.
- How to Datasets are immutable and have to be reassigned once the action has been performed on it was understood.
  • Project 1 : It is a simple Java Application, which reads a text csv file and conerts the file into
Dataset<Row> object
- A Dataset object then gets loaded into PostGreSQL table at the backend.
- We are also performing trasnformations and actions to understand he difference between the two.
- How to Datasets are immutable and have to be reassigned once the action has been performed on it was understood.
  • Project 1 : It is a simple Java Application, which reads a text csv file and conerts the file into
Dataset<Row> object
- A Dataset object then gets loaded into PostGreSQL table at the backend.
- We are also performing trasnformations and actions to understand he difference between the two.
- How to Datasets are immutable and have to be reassigned once the action has been performed on it was understood.
  • Project 1 : It is a simple Java Application, which reads a text csv file and conerts the file into
Dataset<Row> object
- A Dataset object then gets loaded into PostGreSQL table at the backend.
- We are also performing trasnformations and actions to understand he difference between the two.
- How to Datasets are immutable and have to be reassigned once the action has been performed on it was understood.
  • Project 1 : It is a simple Java Application, which reads a text csv file and conerts the file into
Dataset<Row> object
- A Dataset object then gets loaded into PostGreSQL table at the backend.
- We are also performing trasnformations and actions to understand he difference between the two.
- How to Datasets are immutable and have to be reassigned once the action has been performed on it was understood.
  • Project 1 : It is a simple Java Application, which reads a text csv file and conerts the file into
Dataset<Row> object
- A Dataset object then gets loaded into PostGreSQL table at the backend.
- We are also performing trasnformations and actions to understand he difference between the two.
- How to Datasets are immutable and have to be reassigned once the action has been performed on it was understood.
  • Project 1 : It is a simple Java Application, which reads a text csv file and conerts the file into
Dataset<Row> object
- A Dataset object then gets loaded into PostGreSQL table at the backend.
- We are also performing trasnformations and actions to understand he difference between the two.
- How to Datasets are immutable and have to be reassigned once the action has been performed on it was understood.
  • Project 1 : It is a simple Java Application, which reads a text csv file and conerts the file into
Dataset<Row> object
- A Dataset object then gets loaded into PostGreSQL table at the backend.
- We are also performing trasnformations and actions to understand he difference between the two.
- How to Datasets are immutable and have to be reassigned once the action has been performed on it was understood.
  • Project 1 : It is a simple Java Application, which reads a text csv file and conerts the file into
Dataset<Row> object
- A Dataset object then gets loaded into PostGreSQL table at the backend.
- We are also performing trasnformations and actions to understand he difference between the two.
- How to Datasets are immutable and have to be reassigned once the action has been performed on it was understood.

Environment Variables

To run this project, you will need to set the following Environment Variables

  • POSTGRES_PASS - Password to your postgress table.

Run Project

To run this project locally, you need to:


🛠 Skills






My Socials:

amey-bhilegaonkar/ ameygoes ameygoes @ameygoes https://anchor.fm/s/5932883c/podcast/rss

Support Me:



For support, email

  • with the Subject: JAVA_SPARK_QUERY,
  • with the Body:
    • Name:
    • Query: