LeetCode Problems

  • 🔭 Access this repository here: LeetCode_Solutions_Java

  • 🌱 I’m currently learning Python Full Stack, Java, Cloud(AWS & GCP), DataBases, Project Architecture and Design, Data Science, Data Analysis, Data Insights.

  • 👯 This Repository will have all the answers to the LeetCode questions as well as some Dynamic Programming Questions.

  • Every Coding file will have the following format -

    • Question Link
    • Question Solutions #
    • If any question has multiple solutions, time complexity and space complexity will be mentioned above.
    • Answers will be sorted in the order of worst to best.
    • Same questions in Python can be found out here - LeetCode_Solutions_Python
  • 👨‍💻 All of my projects are available at my GitHub

  • 💬 Ask me about Python, Data Science, Full Stack, CICD, DevOps, ML

  • I share my travel stories @ameygoes

  • 📫 How to reach me bhilegaonkar11@gmail.com

  • 📄 Know about my experiences on Instagram @ameygoes

  • ⚡ Fun fact I love adding Values to community :)

See my Portfolio: Amey's Portfolio

My Socials:

amey-bhilegaonkar/ ameygoes ameygoes @ameygoes bhamey_ ameybh https://anchor.fm/s/5932883c/podcast/rss