
Personal Portfolio and Blog

Primary LanguageHTML

Portfolio with personal blog

The goal of this project was to create a personal portfolio featuring various projects that I have worked on. The web-page should list various projects, allow for a detail page of such projects, a personal blog, as well as easy management of projects and blog posts via an admin interface. Furthermore, the website should be built with the ability to be mobile responsive.

Framework Information

Framework: Django
    username: admin
    password: admin
JS: Jquery, Popper, Boostrap, Summernote and custom JS
CSS: Boostrap 4 and custom CSS

Admin Edits

Website administrator should first log in via the Django login panel at localhost:8000/admin. Once logged in as admin going back to the home page should enable edit options throughout the website

For the inline edits I used summernote a simple WYSIWYG Editor. I chose to implement this on the front end via javascript as this give the administrator a more realistic view of the web-page.


The side navigation animation was adopted from the following tutorial https://bootstrapious.com/p/bootstrap-sidebar

Folder Structure

|   .gitignore                  # Git ignore configurations
|   README.md                   # This File
|   requirements.txt            # Project Dependacies
└───portfolio                   # Main project folder
    |   db.sqlite3              # Project Database
    |   manage.py               # Django main file
    ├───blog                    # Blog application folder
    |   |   admin.py            # Blog admin model registration
    |   |   apps.py             # App configutation
    |   |   models.py           # Blog Models definitions
    |   |   tests.py            # Empty
    |   |   urls.py             # Blog URL definitions
    |   |   views.py            # Blog views definitions
    |   |   __init__.py
    |   |   
    |   ├────migrations         # App migrations folder, Not pushed to Git
    |   ├────templates          # Templates folder
    |   |   └───blog            # App name subfolder (Convention)
    |   |           blog.html   # Blog template (Diplays one entry)
    |   |           index.html  # Blog homepage (Display multiple entries)
    |   | 
    ├───folio                   # Portfolio application folder
    |   |   admin.py            # Porfolio admin model registration
    |   |   apps.py             # App configuration
    |   |   models.py           # Portfolio Models definitions
    |   |   tests.py            # Empty
    |   |   urls.py             # Portfolio URL definitions
    |   |   views.py            # Portfolio  views definitions
    |   |   __init__.py
    |   |   
    |   ├───migrations          # App migrations folder, Not pushed to Git
    |   ├───static              # Static files folder
    |   |   └───folio           # App name subfolder (Convention)
    |   |           jeff.jpg
    |   |           script.js
    |   |           style.css         
    |   ├───templates           # Templates folder
    |   |   └───folio           # App name subfolder (Convention)
    |   |           about.html  # About (Bio) template
    |   |           folio.html  # Portfolio template (Displays one entry)
    |   |           index.html  # Portfolio homepage (Displays multiple entries)       
    ├───portfolio               # Main project configuration folder
    |   |   settings.py
    |   |   urls.py             
    |   |   wsgi.py
    |   |   __init__.py
    |   |          
    └───templates               # Global templates folder 
            base.html           # Common template used across multiple apps