A collection of resources to get started with and to learn a variety of different domains in Software Engineering.
- a3X3kData Engineer @Rolls-Royce | Former Member @teambi0s
- abhijitramesh@amfoss
- adarshsiva
- ajay-prabhakar@amFOSS @CDNA-Technologies
- akhilam512Daily
- akshayakyAmritapuri
- amruthajm
- ashwinkey04@openMF
- athiranair2000
- Blackcipher101Vasco da gama
- bx1n@amfoss
- chirathr@beautifulcode
- froztedfate@newstreettechnologies
- FurryAlch
- govindgoel@Native-Health @amfoss @publiclab
- harshithpabbati@daily-co @amfoss
- immadisairaj@IBM
- jasnasuresh@amfoss
- JeeBoomBoiChennai
- Kalp0811
- kookstaen
- krishremyaAmrita School of Engineering
- meghanagottapu
- n-d-u
- nipan09Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham
- puneeth-chanda@amfoss
- rmnsainadh
- RudCodera8@amritavishwavidyapeetham
- sanjana091001Bengaluru
- sh4nnu@NetBSD @LLVM @amFOSS
- SidharthSunil
- swar00p-kr1shna
- swathi-0901@amfoss
- vchrombieprev @floodnet-nyc @bitergia @amfoss @chaoss
- vibhoothi
- yashk2000@AssemblyAI