
Block Spotify Ads on macOS

Primary LanguageShell


DISCLAIMER : I can't maintain this project anymore as I don't have a Mac. PR will be reviewed and accepted.

Script based on Ruvelro/Spotihosts which adds a few lines to hosts file to block Spotify ads.


Run this at the Terminal : sudo bash -c "$(curl -Ss https://raw.githubusercontent.com/amgxv/SpotifyAdBlocker-macOS/master/install.sh)"


Run this at the Terminal : sudo bash -c "$(curl -Ss https://raw.githubusercontent.com/amgxv/SpotifyAdBlocker-macOS/master/uninstall.sh)"


Run this at the Terminal : sudo bash -c "$(curl -Ss https://raw.githubusercontent.com/amgxv/SpotifyAdBlocker-macOS/master/update.sh)"

How can I assure that hosts are enabled or deleted?

  • Open your Terminal
  • Run cat /private/etc/hosts
  • If you can see the following hosts below #[Spotify Ad-Block Hosts] line you have the correct hosts configured.
  • If you want to fully assure that hosts are completely removed from your system, check if there are hosts remaining from other Spotyblock versions
  • You can edit this hosts file with your favorite text editor, you'll need admin privileges to edit this file