Logo of the project

Music Emporium

An customizable eCommerce app

This app lets users add items to a cart and checkout. There is also admin functionality complete with a suite to add items, view metrics, and view orders.

Installing / Getting started

A quick introduction of the minimal setup you need to get this setup:

First, clone the repo

git clone git@github.com:amhursh/music_shop.git

Next, run

bundle install

Note: You may have to run that with bundle exec

After you've bundled you will need to create the database and migrations

rake db:create
rake db:migrate

If you would like an example set of data, run

rake db:seed

This seed will create an administrator account with the username admin and password admin

Finally, launch the server with rails s

You can visit the application locally at http://localhost:3000/


To develop the project simply clone the repo and follow the installation steps above. The image assets are stored in /app/assets/images

Deploying / Publishing

To deploy this to Heroku, simple create a new Heroku app with

heroku create

And upload the master branch

git push heroku master

After that, migrate and seed if you so wish.


This application features

  • Many to many relationship between categories and items
  • Full admin functionality for creating, editing, and destroying accounts, orders, and items
  • Administrator metrics


What we would like to implement:

  • Rating system
  • Paypal integration
  • oAuth
  • Review system

Please make a PR to this repo with your code.

Thank you!


One really important part: Give your project a proper license. Here you should state what the license is and how to find the text version of the license. Something like:

"The code in this project is licensed under MIT license."