
Not match preservation standards

a7med12h opened this issue · 16 comments

I have recorded small video using
VTR and black magic 4k intensity ( as recommended by AMIA ) and after finish it gave massege that the result is not match the preservation standard and this video is not acceptable. Could any please help me. Why this massege appeared and I have followed everything . Is it possible to have this if tape has problem ?

I just tried with MediaExpress software and there is picture and audio was clear, I relize that all connection are ok . if there is any setup mistake in vrecord lead to this file to faild , I do not know . if any one have good experience plz help me . I searched on internet but there is no way to find people as Github to be honest .

Hi @a7med12h, to find the specific failure issue, I'd suggest taking a look at the contents of that logfile that @kieranjol noted - it looks like it is called 5k_mediaconchreport.xml for that capture. That should have some lines that note what exactly was non-compliant - if you paste those here someone might be able to help you troubleshoot.

I just tried to change the standard from NTSC to PAL and every thing went OK. it really wierd for me but actually it fixed my issue . good to know that

Because I am a new user , some time I did not get the information right and what should i do . I have some questions, I really hope give me some links are answer help me .

  • how can I adjust luma and chroma related to color bar so I adjust color 100% . And the color willbe adjusted right. Cuz I found in scale the color goes over the limits and I believe it should not. But how to this calibration.
  • I have dropped frame in most of recordings and that makes my videos not match preservation standards and it would be rejected .
    I will attach some fault and I hope I can find solutions

his is the xml files :

I do not know why I have fail word in in this file . from where I know vrecord preservation standard and how to reach it

This policy tests FFV1 Matroska and Quicktime files made using vrecord and checks their validity Quick test for NTSC vs Pal to validate matrix coefficients. Full NTSC vs PAL test below The PAL matrix coefficients value is reported differently depending on container. This test validates for Matroska The PAL matrix coefficients value is reported differently depending on container. This test validates for Quicktime

i have attach xml in docs


Some of your screenshots show dropped frames and this would generally be seen as a failed capture that would have missing content and sync issues. This usually means your computer can't keep up with the capture. It's often the hard drive is too slow, or it could also be that your CPU or another component is bottlenecked. Can you provide information about your capture setup and what might be the bottleneck here?
What is the tape format and are you using a TBC? I rarely got dropped frames with formats like DigiBeta and never even used a seperate Time Base Corrector. However when using Media Express and vrecord with VHS, I would very often get dropped frames even with fast SSD storage, so I had to use a TBC in order to get a solid capture.

Regarding adjusting luma and chroma, you might be able to do this directly on your deck or with your TBC. It could be worth investigating this further with something like QCTools, in order to see the effects of being outside broadcast range.

Regarding your XML, I see a few puzzling lines that would make me want to investigate further if I was doing QC on this file:
<rule name="Is the audio bit depth 24?" value="BitDepth" tracktype="Audio" occurrence="*" operator="=" xpath="mi:MediaInfo/mi:track[@type='Audio'][*]/mi:BitDepth='24'" actual="" outcome="fail"/>

Looks like your audio has no bit depth (which makes sense for AAC audio), and later it says that it's AAC audio in your stream. I wasn't even aware that vrecord did anything but PCM and FLAC. Anyhow, did you want AAC audio? The mediaconch validation is expecting PCM or FLAC so that's the main reason for the fail.

Here's the XML for convenience:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<MediaConch xmlns="" xmlns:mmt="" xmlns:mi="" version="0.3">
  <media ref="/home/ahmed/Videos/Prince Sultan .mkv">
    <policy name="Check validity of FFV1 Matroska and Quicktime files" type="and" rules_run="22" fail_count="3" pass_count="19" outcome="fail">
      <description>This policy tests FFV1 Matroska and Quicktime files made using vrecord and checks their validity</description>
      <rule name="Is the video format FFV1?" value="Format" tracktype="Video" occurrence="*" operator="=" xpath="mi:MediaInfo/mi:track[@type='Video'][*]/mi:Format='FFV1'" outcome="pass"/>
      <rule name="FFV1 is version 3.4 or later?" value="Format_Version" tracktype="Video" occurrence="*" operator="&gt;=" xpath="mi:MediaInfo/mi:track[@type='Video'][*]/mi:Format_Version&gt;='3.4'" outcome="pass"/>
      <rule name="FFV1 is encoded in GOP size of 1?" value="Format_Settings_GOP" tracktype="Video" occurrence="*" operator="=" xpath="mi:MediaInfo/mi:track[@type='Video'][*]/mi:Format_Settings_GOP='N=1'" outcome="pass"/>
      <rule name="Is the display aspect ratio 1.333?" value="DisplayAspectRatio" tracktype="Video" occurrence="*" operator="=" xpath="mi:MediaInfo/mi:track[@type='Video'][*]/mi:DisplayAspectRatio='1.333'" outcome="pass"/>
      <rule name="Is the frame rate mode constant?" value="FrameRate_Mode" tracktype="Video" occurrence="*" operator="=" xpath="mi:MediaInfo/mi:track[@type='Video'][*]/mi:FrameRate_Mode='CFR'" outcome="pass"/>
      <rule name="Is the color space YUV?" value="ColorSpace" tracktype="Video" occurrence="*" operator="=" xpath="mi:MediaInfo/mi:track[@type='Video'][*]/mi:ColorSpace='YUV'" outcome="pass"/>
      <rule name="Is the chroma subsampling 4:2:2?" value="ChromaSubsampling" tracktype="Video" occurrence="*" operator="=" xpath="mi:MediaInfo/mi:track[@type='Video'][*]/mi:ChromaSubsampling='4:2:2'" outcome="pass"/>
      <rule name="Is the video interlaced?" value="ScanType" tracktype="Video" occurrence="*" operator="=" xpath="mi:MediaInfo/mi:track[@type='Video'][*]/mi:ScanType='Interlaced'" outcome="pass"/>
      <rule name="Is the compression mode lossless?" value="Compression_Mode" tracktype="Video" occurrence="*" operator="=" xpath="mi:MediaInfo/mi:track[@type='Video'][*]/mi:Compression_Mode='Lossless'" outcome="pass"/>
      <rule name="Is max slice count at least 4?" value="extra/MaxSlicesCount" tracktype="Video" occurrence="*" operator="&gt;=" xpath="mi:MediaInfo/mi:track[@type='Video'][*]/mi:extra/mi:MaxSlicesCount&gt;='4'" outcome="pass"/>
      <rule name="Is error detection type per slice?" value="extra/ErrorDetectionType" tracktype="Video" occurrence="*" operator="=" xpath="mi:MediaInfo/mi:track[@type='Video'][*]/mi:extra/mi:ErrorDetectionType='Per slice'" outcome="pass"/>
      <rule name="Is the video stream first?" value="StreamOrder" tracktype="Video" occurrence="*" operator="=" xpath="mi:MediaInfo/mi:track[@type='Video'][*]/mi:StreamOrder='0'" outcome="pass"/>
      <rule name="Is the colour description present?" value="colour_description_present" tracktype="Video" occurrence="*" operator="=" xpath="mi:MediaInfo/mi:track[@type='Video'][*]/mi:colour_description_present='Yes'" outcome="pass"/>
      <rule name="Are the transfer characteristics BT.709?" value="transfer_characteristics" tracktype="Video" occurrence="*" operator="=" xpath="mi:MediaInfo/mi:track[@type='Video'][*]/mi:transfer_characteristics='BT.709'" outcome="pass"/>
      <rule name="Is the audio stream on track 2?" value="StreamOrder" tracktype="Audio" occurrence="*" operator="=" xpath="mi:MediaInfo/mi:track[@type='Audio'][*]/mi:StreamOrder='1'" outcome="pass"/>
      <rule name="Is the audio bit depth 24?" value="BitDepth" tracktype="Audio" occurrence="*" operator="=" xpath="mi:MediaInfo/mi:track[@type='Audio'][*]/mi:BitDepth='24'" actual="" outcome="fail"/>
      <rule name="Is the sample rate 48kHz?" value="SamplingRate" tracktype="Audio" occurrence="*" operator="=" xpath="mi:MediaInfo/mi:track[@type='Audio'][*]/mi:SamplingRate='48000'" outcome="pass"/>
      <policy name="Is the container Matroska or Quicktime?" type="or" rules_run="2" fail_count="2" pass_count="0" outcome="fail">
        <policy name="Is it good Matroska?" type="and" rules_run="3" fail_count="1" pass_count="2" outcome="fail">
          <policy name="Is it new Matroska with an UUID?" type="and" rules_run="5" fail_count="1" pass_count="4" outcome="fail">
            <rule name="Is it Matroska?" value="Format" tracktype="General" occurrence="*" operator="=" xpath="mi:MediaInfo/mi:track[@type='General'][*]/mi:Format='Matroska'" outcome="pass"/>
            <rule name="Matroska version 4 or greater?" value="Format_Version" tracktype="General" occurrence="*" operator="&gt;=" xpath="mi:MediaInfo/mi:track[@type='General'][*]/mi:Format_Version&gt;='4'" outcome="pass"/>
            <rule name="Unique ID is present?" value="UniqueID" tracktype="General" occurrence="*" xpath="mi:MediaInfo/mi:track[@type='General'][*]/mi:UniqueID" outcome="pass"/>
            <rule name="Is the FFV1 Codec ID V_MS/VFW/FOURCC / FFV1?" value="CodecID" tracktype="Video" occurrence="*" operator="=" xpath="mi:MediaInfo/mi:track[@type='Video'][*]/mi:CodecID='V_MS/VFW/FOURCC / FFV1'" outcome="pass"/>
            <policy name="Is the audio Codec ID A_PCM/INT/LIT or A_FLAC?" type="or" rules_run="2" fail_count="2" pass_count="0" outcome="fail">
              <rule name="Is the Codec ID A_PCM/INT/LIT?" value="CodecID" tracktype="Audio" occurrence="*" operator="=" xpath="mi:MediaInfo/mi:track[@type='Audio'][*]/mi:CodecID='A_PCM/INT/LIT'" actual="A_AAC-2" outcome="fail"/>
              <rule name="Is the Codec ID A_FLAC?" value="CodecID" tracktype="Audio" occurrence="*" operator="=" xpath="mi:MediaInfo/mi:track[@type='Audio'][*]/mi:CodecID='A_FLAC'" actual="A_AAC-2" outcome="fail"/>
          <policy name="Is it NTSC SD or PAL SD?" type="or" rules_run="2" fail_count="1" pass_count="1" outcome="pass">
            <description>Quick test for NTSC vs Pal to validate matrix coefficients. Full NTSC vs PAL test below</description>
            <policy name="Is it NTSC?" type="and" rules_run="1" fail_count="1" pass_count="0" outcome="fail">
              <rule name="NTSC FrameRate 29.970?" value="FrameRate" tracktype="Video" occurrence="*" operator="=" xpath="mi:MediaInfo/mi:track[@type='Video'][*]/mi:FrameRate='29.970'" actual="25.000" outcome="fail"/>
            <policy name="Is it PAL?" type="and" rules_run="2" fail_count="0" pass_count="2" outcome="pass">
              <description>The PAL matrix coefficients value is reported differently depending on container. This test validates for Matroska</description>
              <rule name="PAL FrameRate 25.000?" value="FrameRate" tracktype="Video" occurrence="*" operator="=" xpath="mi:MediaInfo/mi:track[@type='Video'][*]/mi:FrameRate='25.000'" outcome="pass"/>
              <policy name="Are the matrix coefficients BT.470 System B, BT.470 System G?" type="or" rules_run="2" fail_count="1" pass_count="1" outcome="pass">
                <rule name="Are the matrix coefficients BT.470 System B, BT.470 System G?" value="matrix_coefficients" tracktype="Video" occurrence="*" operator="=" xpath="mi:MediaInfo/mi:track[@type='Video'][*]/mi:matrix_coefficients='BT.470 System B, BT.470 System G'" actual="BT.470 System B/G" outcome="fail"/>
                <rule name="Are the matrix coefficients BT.470 System B/G?" value="matrix_coefficients" tracktype="Video" occurrence="*" operator="=" xpath="mi:MediaInfo/mi:track[@type='Video'][*]/mi:matrix_coefficients='BT.470 System B/G'" outcome="pass"/>
          <policy name="Has Matroska finished writing?" type="and" rules_run="4" fail_count="0" pass_count="4" outcome="pass">
            <rule name="Duration is greater than zero?" scope="mmt" value="Segment/Info/Duration/Data" occurrence="*" operator="&gt;" xpath="mmt:MicroMediaTrace/mmt:b[@n='Segment']/mmt:b[@n='Info']/mmt:b[@n='Duration']/mmt:d&gt;'0'" outcome="pass"/>
            <rule name="SeekHead is present?" scope="mmt" value="Segment/SeekHead/" occurrence="*" xpath="mmt:MicroMediaTrace/mmt:b[@n='Segment']/mmt:b[@n='SeekHead']" outcome="pass"/>
            <rule name="Cues is present?" scope="mmt" value="Segment/Cues/" occurrence="*" xpath="mmt:MicroMediaTrace/mmt:b[@n='Segment']/mmt:b[@n='Cues']" outcome="pass"/>
            <policy name="Select Top-Level Elements have CRCs?" type="and" rules_run="6" fail_count="0" pass_count="6" outcome="pass">
              <rule name="SeekHead CRC-32 is present?" scope="mmt" value="Segment/SeekHead/CRC-32/" occurrence="*" xpath="mmt:MicroMediaTrace/mmt:b[@n='Segment']/mmt:b[@n='SeekHead']/mmt:b[@n='CRC-32']" outcome="pass"/>
              <rule name="Info CRC-32 is present?" scope="mmt" value="Segment/Info/CRC-32/" occurrence="*" xpath="mmt:MicroMediaTrace/mmt:b[@n='Segment']/mmt:b[@n='Info']/mmt:b[@n='CRC-32']" outcome="pass"/>
              <rule name="Tracks CRC-32 is present?" scope="mmt" value="Segment/Tracks/CRC-32/" occurrence="*" xpath="mmt:MicroMediaTrace/mmt:b[@n='Segment']/mmt:b[@n='Tracks']/mmt:b[@n='CRC-32']" outcome="pass"/>
              <rule name="Cluster CRC-32 is present?" scope="mmt" value="Segment/Cluster/CRC-32/" occurrence="*" xpath="mmt:MicroMediaTrace/mmt:b[@n='Segment']/mmt:b[@n='Cluster']/mmt:b[@n='CRC-32']" outcome="pass"/>
              <rule name="Cues CRC-32 is present?" scope="mmt" value="Segment/Cues/CRC-32/" occurrence="*" xpath="mmt:MicroMediaTrace/mmt:b[@n='Segment']/mmt:b[@n='Cues']/mmt:b[@n='CRC-32']" outcome="pass"/>
              <rule name="Tags CRC-32 is present?" scope="mmt" value="Segment/Tags/CRC-32/" occurrence="*" xpath="mmt:MicroMediaTrace/mmt:b[@n='Segment']/mmt:b[@n='Tags']/mmt:b[@n='CRC-32']" outcome="pass"/>
        <policy name="Is it good Quicktime?" type="and" rules_run="8" fail_count="8" pass_count="0" outcome="fail">
          <rule name="Is the file extension mov?" value="FileExtension" tracktype="General" occurrence="*" operator="=" xpath="mi:MediaInfo/mi:track[@type='General'][*]/mi:FileExtension='mov'" actual="mkv" outcome="fail"/>
          <rule name="Is the format MPEG-4?" value="Format" tracktype="General" occurrence="*" operator="=" xpath="mi:MediaInfo/mi:track[@type='General'][*]/mi:Format='MPEG-4'" actual="Matroska" outcome="fail"/>
          <rule name="Is the format profile QuickTime?" value="Format_Profile" tracktype="General" occurrence="*" operator="=" xpath="mi:MediaInfo/mi:track[@type='General'][*]/mi:Format_Profile='QuickTime'" actual="" outcome="fail"/>
          <rule name="Is the FFV1 Codec ID FFV1?" value="CodecID" tracktype="Video" occurrence="*" operator="=" xpath="mi:MediaInfo/mi:track[@type='Video'][*]/mi:CodecID='FFV1'" actual="V_MS/VFW/FOURCC / FFV1" outcome="fail"/>
          <rule name="Is the PCM Codec ID in24?" value="CodecID" tracktype="Audio" occurrence="*" operator="=" xpath="mi:MediaInfo/mi:track[@type='Audio'][*]/mi:CodecID='in24'" actual="A_AAC-2" outcome="fail"/>
          <rule name="Is the endianness Little?" value="Format_Settings_Endianness" tracktype="Audio" occurrence="*" operator="=" xpath="mi:MediaInfo/mi:track[@type='Audio'][*]/mi:Format_Settings_Endianness='Little'" actual="" outcome="fail"/>
          <rule name="Is the signedness signed?" value="Format_Settings_Sign" tracktype="Audio" occurrence="*" operator="=" xpath="mi:MediaInfo/mi:track[@type='Audio'][*]/mi:Format_Settings_Sign='Signed'" actual="" outcome="fail"/>
          <policy name="Is it NTSC SD or PAL SD?" type="or" rules_run="2" fail_count="2" pass_count="0" outcome="fail">
            <policy name="Is it NTSC?" type="and" rules_run="1" fail_count="1" pass_count="0" outcome="fail">
              <rule name="NTSC FrameRate 29.970?" value="FrameRate" tracktype="Video" occurrence="*" operator="=" xpath="mi:MediaInfo/mi:track[@type='Video'][*]/mi:FrameRate='29.970'" actual="25.000" outcome="fail"/>
            <policy name="Is it PAL?" type="and" rules_run="2" fail_count="1" pass_count="1" outcome="fail">
              <description>The PAL matrix coefficients value is reported differently depending on container. This test validates for Quicktime</description>
              <rule name="PAL FrameRate 25.000?" value="FrameRate" tracktype="Video" occurrence="*" operator="=" xpath="mi:MediaInfo/mi:track[@type='Video'][*]/mi:FrameRate='25.000'" outcome="pass"/>
              <rule name="Are the matrix coefficients BT.601?" value="matrix_coefficients" tracktype="Video" occurrence="*" operator="=" xpath="mi:MediaInfo/mi:track[@type='Video'][*]/mi:matrix_coefficients='BT.601'" actual="BT.470 System B/G" outcome="fail"/>
      <policy name="Is the video bit depth 8 or 10?" type="or" rules_run="2" fail_count="1" pass_count="1" outcome="pass">
        <rule name="Is the video bit depth 8?" value="BitDepth" tracktype="Video" occurrence="*" operator="=" xpath="mi:MediaInfo/mi:track[@type='Video'][*]/mi:BitDepth='8'" actual="10" outcome="fail"/>
        <rule name="Is the video bit depth 10?" value="BitDepth" tracktype="Video" occurrence="*" operator="=" xpath="mi:MediaInfo/mi:track[@type='Video'][*]/mi:BitDepth='10'" outcome="pass"/>
      <policy name="Is it NTSC SD or PAL SD?" type="or" rules_run="2" fail_count="1" pass_count="1" outcome="pass">
        <policy name="Is it NTSC?" type="and" rules_run="7" fail_count="6" pass_count="1" outcome="fail">
          <rule name="NTSC height 486?" value="Height" tracktype="Video" occurrence="*" operator="=" xpath="mi:MediaInfo/mi:track[@type='Video'][*]/mi:Height='486'" actual="576" outcome="fail"/>
          <rule name="NTSC width 720?" value="Width" tracktype="Video" occurrence="*" operator="=" xpath="mi:MediaInfo/mi:track[@type='Video'][*]/mi:Width='720'" outcome="pass"/>
          <rule name="NTSC FrameRate 29.970?" value="FrameRate" tracktype="Video" occurrence="*" operator="=" xpath="mi:MediaInfo/mi:track[@type='Video'][*]/mi:FrameRate='29.970'" actual="25.000" outcome="fail"/>
          <rule name="NTSC pixel aspect ratio 0.900?" value="PixelAspectRatio" tracktype="Video" occurrence="*" operator="=" xpath="mi:MediaInfo/mi:track[@type='Video'][*]/mi:PixelAspectRatio='0.900'" actual="1.067" outcome="fail"/>
          <rule name="NTSC scan order bottom field first?" value="ScanOrder" tracktype="Video" occurrence="*" operator="=" xpath="mi:MediaInfo/mi:track[@type='Video'][*]/mi:ScanOrder='BFF'" actual="TFF" outcome="fail"/>
          <rule name="NTSC colour primaries BT.601 NTSC?" value="colour_primaries" tracktype="Video" occurrence="*" operator="=" xpath="mi:MediaInfo/mi:track[@type='Video'][*]/mi:colour_primaries='BT.601 NTSC'" actual="BT.601 PAL" outcome="fail"/>
          <rule name="Are the matrix coefficients BT.601?" value="matrix_coefficients" tracktype="Video" occurrence="*" operator="=" xpath="mi:MediaInfo/mi:track[@type='Video'][*]/mi:matrix_coefficients='BT.601'" actual="BT.470 System B/G" outcome="fail"/>
        <policy name="Is it PAL?" type="and" rules_run="6" fail_count="0" pass_count="6" outcome="pass">
          <rule name="PAL height 576?" value="Height" tracktype="Video" occurrence="*" operator="=" xpath="mi:MediaInfo/mi:track[@type='Video'][*]/mi:Height='576'" outcome="pass"/>
          <rule name="PAL Width 720?" value="Width" tracktype="Video" occurrence="*" operator="=" xpath="mi:MediaInfo/mi:track[@type='Video'][*]/mi:Width='720'" outcome="pass"/>
          <rule name="PAL FrameRate 25.000?" value="FrameRate" tracktype="Video" occurrence="*" operator="=" xpath="mi:MediaInfo/mi:track[@type='Video'][*]/mi:FrameRate='25.000'" outcome="pass"/>
          <rule name="PAL pixel aspect ratio 1.067?" value="PixelAspectRatio" tracktype="Video" occurrence="*" operator="=" xpath="mi:MediaInfo/mi:track[@type='Video'][*]/mi:PixelAspectRatio='1.067'" outcome="pass"/>
          <rule name="PAL scan order top field first?" value="ScanOrder" tracktype="Video" occurrence="*" operator="=" xpath="mi:MediaInfo/mi:track[@type='Video'][*]/mi:ScanOrder='TFF'" outcome="pass"/>
          <rule name="PAL colour primaries BT.601 PAL?" value="colour_primaries" tracktype="Video" occurrence="*" operator="=" xpath="mi:MediaInfo/mi:track[@type='Video'][*]/mi:colour_primaries='BT.601 PAL'" outcome="pass"/>
      <policy name="Is the audio PCM or FLAC?" type="or" rules_run="2" fail_count="2" pass_count="0" outcome="fail">
        <rule name="Is the audio PCM?" value="Format" tracktype="Audio" occurrence="*" operator="=" xpath="mi:MediaInfo/mi:track[@type='Audio'][*]/mi:Format='PCM'" actual="AAC" outcome="fail"/>
        <rule name="Is the audio FLAC?" value="Format" tracktype="Audio" occurrence="*" operator="=" xpath="mi:MediaInfo/mi:track[@type='Audio'][*]/mi:Format='FLAC'" actual="AAC" outcome="fail"/>
      <policy name="1 or 2 channels of audio?" type="or" rules_run="2" fail_count="1" pass_count="1" outcome="pass">
        <rule name="1 channel of audio?" value="Channels" tracktype="Audio" occurrence="*" operator="=" xpath="mi:MediaInfo/mi:track[@type='Audio'][*]/mi:Channels='1'" actual="2" outcome="fail"/>
        <rule name="2 channels of audio?" value="Channels" tracktype="Audio" occurrence="*" operator="=" xpath="mi:MediaInfo/mi:track[@type='Audio'][*]/mi:Channels='2'" outcome="pass"/>

thank u so much for providing these information. about PC , it has i7 cpu 13Gen with 2 TB SSD and 1 TB M.2 storage for system. it has also 3060 rtx . every thing is ok and I do think so there is any bottleneck .
my tapes are VHS and betamax and there some time issue in the picture because the tape is too bad .
I am not using any TBC but I have one called Big Voodoo . I did not try it till now.
regarding QC tools . I put my video in QC tools and I found 7 graphs appear but I really do. to know how I can read that one and how could I know if there is a problem in certain points .
about audio , as I understood , I have to use only FLAC or PCM . when I use AAC it would fail due to no bit depth .
is there any setup record to capture best quality and avoid failing

  • If you use FFV1 for video, then I suggest to use FLAC for sound. This uses less storage but more computing.
  • If you use uncompressed for video, then I suggest to use PCM for sound. This uses more storage but less computing.

@a7med12h In terms of best quality (VHS/Betamax etc) FM RF (then FLAC comrpessed) is better then captureing conventional if you want to save time and some space for master archives as its smaller then FFV1 yet has more data as its the orignal signal then you run it though vhs-decode which has been doing a better job then most standard workflows for unstable media software TBC and dropout correction is far more acessable then fully enabled ADV chips today.

Thank u for helping me out. I really looking for solutions. About Vhs decode , I did not use before. But I really want solid solution for dropping frame. If there is any suggestions for TBC ( time base corrector) . I would appreciate it. By the way, no TBC available in the market with good situation. If there is any replacement. Or if the drop frame not effected by " preservation standards" it is ok for me

Yes , you right . But to be honest I can captured with frames dropped. But I need this video to be captured as Preservation Standards. So it would pass and be accessible for the client as long as it match all standards. Thats why I care about capturing with no errors.

@a7med12h VHS-Decode has its own Time Base Correction and dropout correction tools that far surpass the abbility off shelf hardware thats getting harder to find in full spec condition, and not to mention VBI data reading tools, the RF Capture is abosolute if the frame is there it will be captured etc your not relying on hardware to detect the frame in the firstplace.

But no matter what you do nothing is truly "frame drop free" for analouge media software frame drop compensation is easy though insurting dummy frames to fix a sync issue with A/V is common.