
Optimized UI components for Firebase

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT

Install vscode

Install flutter sdk https://docs.flutter.dev/get-started/install/windows
Framework - Flutter
Dart -> programming language
Android Studio -> https://redirector.gvt1.com/edgedl/android/studio/install/2021.3.1.17/android-studio-2021.3.1.17-windows.exe
Open android studio > click more actions > Install the latest sdk with the highest API level
In the Sdk Tools tab install the ff: Android Build Tools, Command-line Tools, SDK platform-tools

Firebase -> used for authentication only, but not needed to be installed

Python 3.9.13 - Programming language  https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.9.13/python-3.9.13-amd64.exe
Checkbox should be checked for Add Python to PATH

Django 4.1.3 - Framework  pip install Django

Setup Web Source code
python --version //To check if the python was properly installed
python -m venv venv //Creates a virtual environment folder,
cd venv/Scripts
pip install -r requirements.txt //this will install all dependencies
python manage.py makemigrations //creates a mapping of python classes into database
python manage.py migrate // this will perform the actual conversion of python classes into mysql database
python manage.py createsuperuser //this will create admin account

python manage.py runserver //This will run the web app

Setup Android Source code

Open vscode source code
Install necessary extensions: