
.files and environment configuration manager for OSX created with node

Primary LanguageJavaScript

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alt tag kody

A .files and environment configuration manager for OSX created with node

inspired by Zach Holmans popular dotfiles, stripped down for what I need and written in node.js

kody is a command line tool that helps you maintain your .files/configurations/installations etc.

  • One command will take care of things.
  • No restrictions on where you run from or store you symlink files.
  • Easy to extend and tweak.
  • Set what tasks you want to run and packages you want to install from one config file.
  • just needs node and your configuration.

##Current implemented tasks

  • set up git
  • symlink config files to home directory
  • write OSX defaults
  • Install and set up Homebrew
  • Install brew cask and install other programs supported by brew cask such as Spotify, Chrome, etc.
  • Set fish shell as default shell(only worth running if you've installed fish)
  • Install Atom IDE packages
  • Remove unwanted default system applications * NEW!

##Disclaimer I've only used kody on OSX(Up to Yosemite, haven't braved Capitan yet) and therefore I can't say for sure how it will run on non-unix based systems etc. kody will essentially make symbollic links to the $HOME directory on your PATH and then runs commands from the command line that would normally be executed with bash such as npm install.

##Installation As a prerequisite it's assumed you have npm installed as this is the one dependency for using kody.

  1. Install kody

         npm install -g kody
  2. Set up your kody_env(can be named anything, mine is here!) directory and necessary files (Refer to conventions)

  3. Tweak your kody.json file.

  4. Run kody from within your directory (if you're unsure about anything, backup your original symlinking files to be safe.)

  5. Hack away, sit back and enjoy something else taking care of env setup!

##Conventions ###Naming conventions for symlinking For the symlinking task in kody there is only one thing to remember, suffix(?) .link to the end of either the directory you wish to symlink or the file you wish to symlink from within the directory you're working in. See the dummy_env folder for an example setup. ###Start from the boilerplate Start out with the dummy_env directory as a starting point and extend from there if you get stuck. It's what I use to develop against so will work and is an easy place to start from.

##kody.json In order for kody to run, you need a kody.json file in place within the directory where your config lies. In here you can modify different options to tweak what tasks you want to run, what packages you wish to install etc.

Refer to the kody.json file within the dummy_env folder if you get stuck.

The options so far, are as follows;

###set_up_git_config : true/false Set whether the git credential task runner should be run. ###set_osx_defaults : true/false Set whether to run the Apple OSX Defaults option writer. ###install_dot_files : true/false Set whether to run symlinking task, ###install_brew_cask_and_casks : true/false Set whether the brew cask set up task will be run along with the installation of brew casks defined in brew_casks. ###install_homebrew_and_packages : true/false Set whether Homebrew installation task is run. ###install_npm_modules : true/false Set whether global npm modules are installed that are defined within global_npm_modules ###remove_default_apple_apps : true/false Set whether kody should remove defined default applications that are unwanted. ###install_apm_packages : true/false Set whether Atom IDE packages are installed that are defined within apm_packages. ###set_fish_shell_as_default : true/false Set whether the shell script for setting fish as the default shell should be run. ###brew_installs : true/false Defines the brew installs to run. ###brew_casks : string array Defines the brew casks to be installed. ###apple_apps_to_remove: string array Defines the default apple installed applications to be removed. ###apm_packages: string array Defines the atom IDE packages to be installed. ###global_npm_modules : object Defines the npm modules to be installed globally along with their version.

##Known issues

  • If you are happily using a directory with kody but then delete it, this will ruin your symlinks in home and you will need to set up again. It's ideal if you can back up your original config files. You can always just manually copy them into the home directory if need be or delete them and run kody.

    I will be writing a backup option for the symlinking tasks of kody.

  • Not so much an issue but an improvement, but it would be nice to call the individual tasks out. For example,

    kody install_apm_packages

##Extending If you're looking to extend by adding more tasks, you can get a head start with the boilerplate coffeescript file in src/coffee/lib/tasks. kody has been written in coffeescript and uses gulp for coffee compilation and watching. If you want to extend and develop kody you'll need to get gulp installed too.

The structure of the repo should be relatively easy to become familiar with and I've included a boilerplate task file within the tasks directory. The main concern when developing is creating your own task file and then integrating it into task_runner.coffee and setting new configuration keys to test it out within kody.json.

##Contributing Feel free to get involved and give me some pointers on what could be improved.

Refer to extending above and fork the repo.

I look forward to any potential pull requests!


Any problems or questions, feel free to post an issue or tweet me, @_jh3y!

@jh3y 2014