
A port of ZGloom for the PlayStation Vita.
A fork of ZGloom-vita from JetStreamSham

What's new?

  1. added a launcher to the game to have all Gloom-Engine games available
  2. added a cheat menu into the game menu to set invinite health photon weapon at start

What is Gloom?

Gloom was a 1995 Doom-clone from Black Magic Software for Commodore Amiga. It had very messy and meaty graphics and needed a very powerful Amiga computer back then (A1200 @ 030 was far too low). It had several official successors like Gloom Deluxe/Ultimate Gloom (a graphical enhanced Gloom), Gloom 3, Zombie Massacre and even some full-game conversion of 90's Amiga games.


How to play

Gloom was made freely available by its developers here.
For the other official games using the Black Magic "Gloom"-engine like Gloom 3 or Zombie Massacre you can load them for free on Aminet. Otherwise you can take the original game files from your game installation.

To play on PS VITA install the .vpk, download the .zip of the game(s) you want to play, extract them somewhere to your harddrive and copy only the folders (depending on the game) to the following locations on vita:


Preview of Livearea

Some screenshots from the game Gloom Deluxe itself

Preview of the game

In-game music

ZGloom can now add in-game music using any module that XMP can play. Put the mods in the sfxs folder and add "song_blitz.mod" or whatever the module name is to the script. Multiple song_ commands are allowed, allowing per-level music.

Building on Linux

  1. Install the VitaSDK.
  2. Install the LibXMP vita library port. See the porting libraries section for installtion instructions.
  3. Generate makefile with cmake CMakeLists.txt.
  4. Compile with make.


Change renderer


Dunno. The Gloom source release says only the .s and .bb2 files are open source, but the Gloom executable bakes in some maths lookup tables (but then, they are generated by the .bb2 files), bullet and sparks graphics, and the title screen for Classic Gloom. I probably won't add the latter and just display the Black Magic image, or something.

Uses LibXMP for MED playback http://xmp.sourceforge.net/

Uses SDL2 and SDL2 mixer https://www.libsdl.org/

DeCrunchmania C code by Robert Leffman, licence unknown http://aminet.net/package/util/pack/decrunchmania_os4

Uses Vita SDK https://vitasdk.org/