
Demo project for MS Build 2022

Primary LanguageHTML


Instructions on how to get in-app chat up and running in your .NET app using the Weavy Drop-in.

Set up your sandbox

  • Go to https://www.weavy.com/signup to set up your account and provision the sandbox
  • When sandbox is provisioned, you'll find all the details you need under the "Account" tab in the top navbar

Install the dropin-js

  • Open a terminal window in the DemoHost folder
  • Run npm install @weavy/dropin-js
  • Copy the files in the folder: DemoHost\node_modules\@weavy\dropin-js\dist
  • Drop the weavy-dropin.js file in DemoHost\wwwroot\js
  • Drop the weavy-dropin.css file in DemoHost\wwwroot\css

Add credentials for your sandbox

  • Open DemoHost\appsettings.json
  • Update with your ClientID and Secret below and save;
  "ClientId": "{ YOUR CLIENT ID }",
  "ClientSecret": "{ YOUR SECRET FROM THE SANDBOX }"
  • Open DemoHost\wwwroot\js\script.js
  • Update with your URL below and save (you'll find URL under the "Account" tab):
// instantiate weavy
var weavy = window.weavy = new Weavy({
    url: "https://{ YOUR WEAVY URL }",
    jwt: getToken

Run site with Weavy added

  • Navigate to DemoHost in the terminal
  • Enter dotnet run
  • Open a browser and navigate to the URL indicated by the logs in the terminal. e.g. https://localhost:7059 (use the HTTPS one!)
  • Sign in and see Weavy in action
    • Predefined users (password doesn't matter, it's a dumbed down login for demo purposes):

      • rickard (belongs to Directory A)
      • nina (belongs to Directory A)
      • lydia (belongs to Directory A)
      • johan (belongs to Directory B)
      • magnus (belongs to Directory B)
      • dave (belongs to Directory B)
    • If you login with any other name that user will be created and added to Directory C

    • See HomeController.cs for the more info