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Investigation of historical cases of earthquakes (EQ) being induced at critical infrastructures, such as geothermal plants. Occurrence of a severe earthquake at the plant (during development or operational phase) can be categorised as a critical infrastructure failure (CF).

Meta-analysis of induced seismicity at past geothermal fluid stimulation sites

Review of the underground seismic response to past underground stimulation projects aimed at creating, or enhancing, a geothermal reservoir. Induced earthquake hazard is characterised by the overall seismic activity a_fb that is normalised by the injected fluid volume V and the parameter b of the Gutenberg-Richter law.

  • data_geothermal_undergroundfeedback_v1.csv: Dataset of seismic response parameters at 38 geothermal sites, believed to be a comprehensive review of geothermal fluid stimulations between 1977 and 2018. Corresponds to Table 1 of Mignan et al. (2021). Attributes: ID: stimulation identifier, site: site name, V_m3: total injected fluid volume in m3, dV_LperSec: mean injection rate in L/s, N_above_m0: number of earthquakes above m0, m0: minimum magnitude, mmax: maximum observed magnitude, afb: a-value of the Gutenberg-Richter law normalised by V (underground feedback), b: b-value of the Gutenberg-Richter law, category: data quality level for data mining, comment_N: if N for stimulation phase only, or including post-injection, comment_m0: minimum observed magnitude or completeness magnitude mc. Details about data sources given in Appendix A of Mignan et al. (2021).

  • data_geothermal_undergroundfeedback_v1_dataminingresult.csv: Same table as above but with a_fb calculated where missing, following the data mining approach of Mignan et al. (2021). Generated with the jupyter notebook. Additional attributes are b_nogap: b imputed by mean, N_nogap: N(m0) = 1 for m0_nogap: inferred from mmax, afb_all: afb estimated when missing (preferred value), afb_corr: afb corrected for potential ambiguity in the literature (for completeness but highly uncertain).

  • notebook_geothermal_undergroundfeedback.ipynb: Data mining from the dataset of seismic response parameters data_geothermal_undergroundfeedback_v1.csv to expand the set of a_fb values, following the method of Mignan et al. (2021). Resulting table given in data_geothermal_undergroundfeedback_v1_dataminingresult.csv.


Mignan A, Broccardo M, Wang Z (2021), Comprehensive Survey of Seismic Hazard at Geothermal Sites by a Meta-Analysis of the Underground Feedback Activation Parameter afb. Energies, 14, 7998, doi: 10.3390/en14237998